Those That
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question click on link.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
543. Do I qualify to be advanced on the Docket?
545. How many times can I have a disability re-evaluated?
546. I haven’t had a means test in a long time, how often will the VA need a means test completed?
547. Why would VA take it away my Aid & Attendance benefit?
548. How can I get life insurance?
549. Is there any VA benefit that can help with the costs?
550. Is there any chance that I might get a disability pension from all these problems?
551. It's been said that IU is being fazed out. Is this true?
553. Any veterans have this condition and any idea what’s wrong with me?
554. Does the VA have an energy efficiency program to help veterans to up their home?
555. Am I allowed to invest or be part owner of a business if I am not doing any actual work?
556. Anybody heard of a VA program that makes your car payments until you are able again?
557. Will my individual unemployment be cut?
558. How does my wife apply for the caregiver stipend?
559. I want to know what are the easiest disability claims to win?
560. Are there any programs that I can apply for to help pay my bills?
561. What can I do to convince him [VSO] to turn in my medical documentation to the VA?
562. Does VA Aid & Attendance program pay for or offset assisted living care?
563. How can I get my percentage raised?
564. When I divorce her will she get half of my VA disability pay?
565. What can I do to stop the VA from reducing my disability rating?
566. Has anyone done this, and if so is it more advantageous than seeking 100% from VA?
567. Are there any programs for rape survivors that will help me financially?
569: Can obstructive sleep apnea be secondary to major depressive disorder & generalized anxiety?
570. Does the VA have a maternity ward?
571. Will the VA bump me up to 100% while I am down, and out of work?
572. If something happen to me, will my wife get my VA pension funds at 100% disability?
573. I was wondering if this [dementia] is something I should submit for review by the VA?
574. How do I get this changed and who do I need to see?
575. What do I have to do to reopen claim?
576. Can I claim the blood clot as a disability claim?
577. Is there a difference between P&T and T&P?
578. Can I re-apply so I’m 100% and paid at 100%?
579. Is there any body to help?
582. Who can I get to assist me with Social Security Benefits?
583. Just how long does it take to receive low vision sunglasses?
584. Why does it take so long to make a decision?
585. My 80% disabilities are getting worse can I get 100% without the unemployable 20%?
586. Is this the new American way?
587. Is the VA obligated to furnish the medicine to me?
588. Can I receive assistance from the V.A? If so, how?
589. Am I able to draw Army retirement pay, 100% VA disability pay and also Social Security disability?
590. Can I get a bigger percentage and how do I go about getting a higher percentage?
591. Why are my prescriptions required a co-pay for drugs sent from the VA in Richmond?
592. Is it fair to discriminate because I'm disabled even though I qualify for low income?
593. I want to know why I am not considered a veteran?
594. Will they take away my monthly compensation and medical?
595. How can I proceed to get these issues recognized?
596. Could someone please let me know if I am eligible for benefits.
598. When will I be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
599. I am 100% now and I am 74 yrs old, but now I also have diabetes. Should I submit a claim for that?
600. How long will my spouse have to wait to get her VA death pension check after I die?
601. What are the rule's for veterans who want to shop at commissary?
602. Where can I get some help with this [toxic exposure]?
603. I want to know how do I go about getting approved for my SSI?
604. Will the IRS plan to take away my VA disability until my debt is paid in full?
606. Can I file claims or reopen claims?
607. Do I have to reopen a claim for bladder cancer or will VA go back and just grant me SC?
608. Is there such a program [Dental] I can use?
609. Will VA pay to have a veteran transported from one state to another at the veterans passing?
610. What qualifies a Veteran for SMC? Currently, I am a 100% home bound veteran.
611. If there's a form to fill out to apply for SMC please inform me of the number?
612. I have degenerative disc disease. Can this be used as a disability claim?
613. Did the VA change its policy on Korea vets?
614. Please, can someone help me?
615. How soon can I register my wife for CHAMPVA & proper way?
616. What should be my effective claim date?
617. Does anyone have answers to Hepatitis B denial on C & P?
618. Who is responsible for updating eBenefits?
619. What does PTSD and tinnitus have to do with Type 2 diabetes?
620. Will my son be eligible for once we have both passed?
621. How do I get my medical records and PCS orders from Korea?
622. Does VA offer program to help convert plumbing fixtures?
623. Where can I find a doctor or VA client to help me get housbound benefits?
624. I need pads for my bed, how do I get them from the VA?
625. I am wondering if I can still apply or if I am too late?
626. If the charges for the article 15 and article 86 are wrong, how do I get them turned around?
627. Is it feasible that I could get retroactive pay back to Nov 2011?
628. What do I need to show or prove at the store to obtain my veterans discount?
629. I was wondering if I would be entitled to any compensation for this condition?
630. Am I able to get life insurance and where can I get good rates?
631. Why won't the VA increase benefits every year?
632. When can I expect my records?
633. Do I need to notify the VA that he is still in school?
634. I just wanted to know is there any way I could get his pension since got married?
636. Is it true after ten years my wife would get half of my benefit no matter how I die?
637. Can they garnish my VA benefit check?
638. Do I need to get a 100% reevaluated?
639. Is Agent Orange and/or exposure to toxins recognized for the jungle training soldiers had in Panama?
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