Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q550: Extreme exposure to Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) in 1969, TDY for 8 days in Tahkli, Thailand in 1973 Stationed for 1 year at Erhac AB Turkey and was told on arrival that I would be drinking a slight amount of Jet fuel (JP4) in the contaminated water supply for the year I was in Turkey, had to have deep scaling for my gums and teeth due to the contaminated water from Turkey in 1980, developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and an aortic aneurysm between 1991 and 2005, developed peripheral neuropathy in 2007 in both feet and both hands, occipital neuralgia in 2008, gall bladder removal in 2013, sleep apnea in 2016, vertigo in 2016, arthritis in 2016 in both hands, and dizzy spells daily this year (2020). I think some of these problems came from a year spent in Abilene, Texas at Dyess AFB in 1969 when I had direct contact daily with open vats of MEK that my hands were using rags to clean B-52 bomber wheels (safety did not seem to be enforced at this time) and would breathe very heavy concentrations of this chemical daily. I had problems with my feet at this time in the military, but never went to the dispensary about this. I currently am 72 yrs old living only on Social Security (My wife and I), and was turned down several years ago by the VA when I applied to them for disabilities that developed over the years after I departed the military. Is there any chance that I might get a disability pension from all these problems, after being turned down by the VA? Thanks!

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A1: If you have anxiety and depression because of chemical exposure you have a good chance of getting your disability. (HG) 10/25/20
A2: From what I read you served in Thailand in 1973. Thailand has been added to the list of countries which had Agent Orange exposure. Get on the AO registry and you could get coverage. I was in Vietnam and have some of your conditions. Have just turned 80. You are 8 years younger so get to it. You have to make the effort. They will not come looking for you. My Brother-In-Law also served in Thailand and has some skin cancers. Told him the same thing. Good luck. (CB) 10/25/20
A3: You need to contact an Accredited Veterans Service Officer with the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take all of your correspondence from the VA regarding denials. You could qualify for VA Pension which a VSO will explain as VA Pension is different than VA Compensation. Compensation is awarded for service connected injury or disease. (GH) 10/25/20
A4: You would need to file a 20-0995 and list each disability and put in the date of the denial letter in the right hand column. Being in Thailand you were exposed to Agent Orange do you have any of the diseases from it you can file a claim for those? (GR) 10/26/20
A5: You will always be turned down. Don't give up! Third time is a charm. Damm the torpedoes, full speed ahead! (EA) 10/26/20