Those That
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question click on link.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
1. Is there a publication that answers questions about benefits?
2. Am I allowed to invest in the stock market?
3. Why am I not able to receive my husband's full benefit amount?
4. If I work will my VA compensation change?
5. Does my husband qualify for nursing care?
6. How does a Comp & Pen PA's decision out weight an MD?
7. Can I add two more impairments to my current rating?
8. Do I qualify for a pension?
9. Should'nt I get paid more money for my daughter?
10. Will VA pay for treatment if I find my own doctor?
11. Is this a compensation worthy condition?
12. I submitted more evidence. What are my chances of approval?
13. What is the Five Year Protection Rule?
14. Are veterans who are diagnosed with prostate cancer paid $20,000?
15. My condition is really bad, can I apply for benefits?
16. I've been told my conditions are not related to military service. How can that be?
17. Will I lose unemployability if I get social security benefits?
18. Can I claim disability for being stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds Edgewood Arsenal?
19. Can I get service-connected for scars?
20. Will I lose my current rating if I apply for an increase?
21. What else do I need to have my compensation raised?
22. When will my wife be eligible for benefits?
23. What do I need to do to get the VA to increase my rating to 100%?
24. Can I apply for service-connection disability?
25. Why can't I have both my retirement pay and VA compensation in full?
26. Can Type 1 Diabetes be services-connected?
27. How do I get additional compensation for injuries worsened over time?
28. How does a 91 year-old Navy widow go about getting benefits?
29. Who do I contact for compensation theft?
30. How do I get my retirement pension restored?
31. How should my disabilities be submitted for compensation?
33. Has COPD been added to the presumptive disabilities list?
34. What is the monthly rate for Aid & Attendance with spouse?
35. Am I responsible for emergency room charges?
36. How can I get an increase for hearing loss?
37. Can my wife qualify for 55% of my disability pay regardless of her income?
38. Does spraying defoliants near me affect my benefits?
39. Do I have to re-open a claim to protect my wife's income?
40. How can I get a referral to a chiropractor closer to my home?
41. Why is my FDC sitting on a desk and what are they waiting for?
42. Can I apply for compensation for hearing loss?
43. Are Liver Flukes a compensable disability?
44. Am I eligible for compensation for high blood pressure?
45. Am I eligible for DIC back pay?
46. Can I make a claim to the VA for being a test subject?
47. How do I go about getting hearing aids from the VA?
48. If a disease becomes presumptive can I file a claim?
49. Can I claim a disability that was caused by my job in the military?
50. Is it ok for VA to apply the wrong date on my claim?
52. Is there anything I am entitled to for being stationed in Vietnam?
53. Will my spouse receive payments after I die?
54. Can I increase my disability payments if I produce more documentation?
55. Why does the VA continue charging me co-payments for my service-connected disability medication?
56. Can I get an increase based on individual unemployability?
57. Will I get benefits if I report them decades later?
58. Has melanoma been added to the Agent Orange list of presumptive disabilities?
59. What benefits are my wife and I eligible based on Individual Unemployability (IU)?