Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q43: I served in the 1st Cavalry in Vietnam from November 1970 to December 31, 1971, 3rd squad, 2/12 Cav. as Pointman. I haven't gotten sick my entire life until June 2016. I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcanoma (Bile Duct Cancer). Surgery to remove tumor on left adrenal gland ,gall bladder, bile ducts, spleen, 3 lymph glands, 1/3 of pancreas, 1/3 stomach, 20 inches of small intestine, and 2 pieces of liver. Chemo and radiation together, and a 4% chance I would survive all this. I also lost 40 lbs. of muscle, never to return. Was 185 lbs. now 140 lbs. I remember bathing in rivers, drinking supplied water (every 3 days or so, sometimes longer, depending where our AO was) by the gallons. Eating food from villages we encountered on patrols. My question is... already denied by VA for Agent Orange claim, is Liver Flukes compensable? I have submitted a claim for Liver Flukes over a year ago, along with supporting letters and medical records. My Surgeon Oncologist and my Medical Oncologist both wrote letters citing military service and or Agent Orange as "likely caused my condition." What do you think?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Unfortunately that is not a compensable condition for Agent Orange exposure. (AP) 3/6/18
A2: Agent orange is bad hang in there brother, fight them. We served together 2nd Bn 12th cav bravo company. 4th platoon point man/ RTO for Captain Owens. (LF) 3/6/18
A3: Liver flukes is a parasite that can be contracted in the United States it is not a chemically produced condition that is possibly caused by agent orange exposure therefore it is not a compensable condition. (AP) 3/7/18
A4: The condition derived from the Liver Fluke, if listed in the VASARD Schedule of Rated Disabilites would be what you would submit to the VA as a claimed condition. (TW) 9/20/19
A5: In humans, maturation from metacercariae into adult flukes usually takes about 3 to 4 months; development of F. gigantica may take somewhat longer than F. hepatica. (EO) 12/4/20
A6: Please read this link and you should understand. (EO) 2/11/21
A7: While "liver flukes" is not a disease, the resulting medical conditions are. The VA will continue to deny a claim for Agent Orange related "liver flukes". It's all in the wording. Get new & relevant info (more medical records, another medical opinion, etc.) and ask a Benefits Representative to file a Supplemental Claim for the cancers and residuals based on exposure to bacterium in the waters where you were stationed during your active duty service. Do NOT mention Agent Orange or VA will stop reading your claim and immediately deny. If you get a medical opinion, ensure that the doctor includes their credentials, how long they have been treating you, and that they have consulted your military records (the VA needs to know that the Dr is familiar with YOUR details and is not just cranking out medical opinions). Ask Dr to include medical studies, cite journals, etc. It must be a STRONG medical opinion. Good Luck!! (LK) 11/30/22