Those That
Discharge Certificate Card
- You are recognized as a U.S. Veteran who Honorable served your country.
- Displays your name at time of discharge.
- Displays all documented awards.*
- Represents Your military branch.
- Indicates proof of your military service.
- Durable, long lasting plastic card.
- Credit card size and weight for easy storage.
- Convenience.
- Special USVCP Code for Veteran Giveaways.
- Enhanced security features for your protection.
Card Details
- Discharge Certificate Card size: 30 mil thickness (standard credit card size)
- Discharge Certificate Card dimensions: 3.375" x 2.125" (85.6mm x 54mm)
Security Features
For additional card security, the Discharge Certificate Card gives you a secure HoloKote watermark across the surface of each card . The watermark works to prevent tampering and counterfeiting. The HoloKote watermark is highlighted as a high visibility security seal for your security and protection.
PLEASE READ: The Discharge Certificate Card produced by USVCP is not an official State or Federal government discharge card. The Discharge Certificate Card is produced and managed exclusively by USVCP and used by USVCP members primarily for programs and services sponsored by USVCP. Also, USVCP provides high-quality, effective, and efficient third party verification to confirm military service of all cardholders. Our team of specialists use documentation from veterans to confirm and validate proof of Honorable military service. Our high-quality third party verification system acts as a buffer for the veteran and the general public. The Discharge Certificate Card is not to be used for official military business. The Discharge Certificate Card is to be used exclusively to commemorate your Honorable military service.
Have questions? See Instructions.

Army Discharge Certificate Card
Air Force Discharge Certificate Card
Coast Guard Discharge Certificate Card

Marine Corps Discharge Certificate Card

Navy Discharge Certificate Card

*The Discharge Certificate Card includes all of your documented/verified awards from the Armed Forces. Located on the back of each Discharge Certificate Card you'll see such documented awards as Good Conduct Medal, Purple Heart Medal, Bronze Star Medal, etc.