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Benefits News

The Military May Owe You Money

June 8, 2018


The Army owes about 120,000 veterans extra pay and the VA is reaching out to find them.  The Army is seeking soldiers, veterans, and survivors of soldiers whose service was involuntarily extended under Stop Loss Authority between September 11, 2001 and September 30, 2008.  The 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act stipulates they are eligible for special pay.   Those eligible will receive $500 for each month or partial month served in stop loss status.  To receive this benefit, those who served under Stop Loss must submit a claim by October 31, 2018.  For more information call 1-877-736-5554 today!












Widow's Pension Is Need Based
June 22, 2018


The VA widow's pension is payable to families with relatively low incomes, including both a surviving spouse and unmarried children. In order to qualify, the veteran must meet the requirements of military service, and the family must meet yearly family income limitations.


To meet the military service requirement, the veteran must generally have wartime service. For those who served before Sept. 7, 1980, 90 days of active military service is necessary, and at least one of those days has to have been served during a war-time period. For those entering active duty after Sept. 7, 1980, at least 24 months of service is necessary unless the full period for which the servicemember was called to active duty was shorter. In addition, at least one day must have been during a war-time period. In addition, the veteran must not have been dishonorably discharged.


Eligible family members include the surviving spouse, but benefits end if the surviving spouse remarries. In addition, children of wartime veterans can receive benefits if they are under 18, under 23 and attending an approved educational institution, or incapable of self-support due to a disability before reaching age 18.


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VA Will Visit Veterans In Their Homes


One of the least talked about aspects of the VA is their mission for outreach.  For those veterans living in rural areas, VA staff will visit veterans in their homes.  Also, veterans who are medically confined to their homes or those veterans who have transportation difficulties, VA staff will take the initiative to visit those veterans away from VA facilities.


Veterans should contact their local Vet Center to have VA staff visit them at their home.  Vet Center staff will provide psychological services for veterans and their family members during normal VA business hours.  Vet Center staff will travel up to 150 miles one way to visit a veteran.


Vet Center Directors (formally Team Leader) are the keys to getting appointments.  Under special circumstances, some veterans may want to contact Readjustment Counseling Services (RCS) Regional Managers to make arrangements for visits.  Bereavement cases are top priority for the VA, and such instances typically require bereavement counselors to visit with veterans or veterans’ family in their homes.

Project 25


Project 2025 includes several proposals that directly affect veterans’ benefits:

  • Tightening Eligibility: The initiative proposes to redefine what conditions are considered service-connected, potentially disqualifying some current conditions from eligibility.
  • Revising Disability Ratings: The plan suggests accelerating the disability ratings process and imposing stricter criteria on what claims qualify for disability benefits. This could reduce the level of benefits for future claimants.
  • Veterans Bill of Rights: This proposal aims to improve transparency by better informing veterans about their rights and the benefits process, including eligibility for Community Care.