Those That
Benefits News
Replacing Military Medals
Medals awarded while in active service are issued by the individual services if requested by veterans or their next of kin. Requests for replacement medals, decorations, and awards should be directed to the branch of the military in which the veteran served. However, for Air Force (including Army Air Corps) and Army veterans, the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) verifies awards and forwards requests and verification to appropriate services.
Requests for replacement medals should be submitted on standard Form 180, “Requests Pertaining To Military Records,” which may be obtained at VA offices or the internet. For questions call Military Personnel Records at 314-801-0800.
Correction of Military Records
The secretary of a military department, acting through a Board for Correction of Military Records, has authority to change any military record when necessary to correct an error or remove an injustice. A correction board may consider applications for correction of a military record, including review of a discharge issued by the courts.
The veteran, survivor or legal representative must file a request for correction within three years after discovering an alleged error or injustice. The board may excuse failure to file within this time if in the interest of injustice. It is an applicant’s responsibility to show why the filing of the application was delayed and why it should be in the interest of justice for the board to consider it despite the delay.
To justify a correction, it is necessary to show to the satisfaction of the board that the alleged entry or omission in the records was in error or unjust. Applications should include all evidence, such as signed statements of witnesses or a brief of arguments supporting the correction. Application is made with DD Form 149
Applying For A Review of Discharge
Each of the military services maintains a discharge review board with authority to change, correct or modify discharges or dismissals not issued by a sentence of a general courts-martial. The board has no authority to address medial discharges.
The veteran or, if the veteran is deceased or incompetent, the surviving spouse, next of kin or legal representative may apply for a review of discharge by writing to the military department concerned, using DD Form 293, “Application for the Review of Discharge form the Armed Forces of the United States.” This form may be obtained at a VA regional office, from veterans organizations or from the Internet.
However, if the discharge was more than 15 years ago, a veteran must petition the appropriate service Board for Correction or Military Records using DD Form 149, “Application for Correction of Military Records Under the Provisions of Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1552.” A discharge review is conducted by a review of an applicant’s record and, if requested, by a hearing before the board.
Discharges awarded as a result of a continuous period of unauthorized absence in excess of 180 days make persons ineligible for VA benefits regardless of action taken by discharge review boards, unless VA determines there were compelling circumstances for the absence. Boards for the Correction of Military Records also may consider such cases.
Veterans with disabilities incurred or aggravated during active duty may qualify for medical or related benefits regardless of separation and characterization of service. Veterans separated administratively under other than honorable conditions may request that their discharge be reviewed for possible recharacterization, provided they file their appeal within 15 years of the date of separation.

Top VA Loan Mortgage Lenders
According to media outlet Benzinga and contributing writer, Melinda Sineriz, the following mortgage companies are considered the top companies for veterans and active duty service members to considering doing business with right now.
Best Overall for VA Loans: Veterans United - 800-884-5560
Best for Online: Rocket Mortgage - 888-452-8179
Best for First Time Home Buyers: USAA - 800-531-8722
Best for Experience: Navy Federal Credit Union - 888-842-6328
Best for Low Credit Scores: - 888-426-7002
Travel Benefit Many Veterans May Be Missing
There are a few qualifying conditions to be met, but, once met, many veterans can easily qualify for this benefit. For some reason unknown to many, veterans either don’t bother pursuing this benefit or just disregard it altogether.
In order to qualify for Beneficiary Travel mileage reimbursement, one of the following conditions needs to be met:
- You have a service-connected (SC) rating of 30% or more, or
- You are traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition, or
- You receive VA pension, or
- Your income does not exceed the maximum annual VA pension rate
- You are traveling for a scheduled compensation or pension examination, or
- You may be eligible for special mode of transportation if:
- Your medical condition requires an ambulance or a specially equipped van as determined by a VA clinician, and
- You meet one of the eligibility criteria above, and
The travel is pre-authorized (authorization is not required for emergencies if a delay would be hazardous to life or health).
The list above is not all-inclusive; you may qualify for mileage reimbursement under other special conditions. See Travel Department at your local VA.
There is a deductible for mileage of $3.00 one-way ($6.00 round trip). This deductible is subject to a monthly cap of $18.00. When the monthly deductible has been achieved, any further reimbursable travel is paid at the full rate with no further deductible required.