Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q42: I have a lot of hearing loss. Can I apply for compensation? I was in Vietnam 1968 and 1969.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: You have to prove that you had an illness or injury in service. How can you connect hearing loss to your service over 50 years ago? (AP) 3/6/18
A2: 1st step make appt. at the VA for a hearing test. Then take that to a veteran service officer for further direction. hope this helps. (JL) 3/6/2018
A3: Yes, I currently has a VA Approved 40% disability due to hearing loss suffered during the Korean War. (FA) 2/12/19
A4: My Service Officer sent me to a private audiologist first. She said if he indicates my hearing loss was due to rifle fire, she would submit the claim. The audiologist told me lots of things about my hearing loss, and said it was due to rifle fire. I received a 20% disability, even though I never left the states. (MB) 2/28/20
A5: Yes! And they will test your ears. If you're hearing what sounds like "Birds" all the time, you have damage. (CS) 11/29/20
A6: The hearing loss doesn't come just from gun fire, it can also include explosions, type of duty you were assigned too where load noise was a factor. File the claim for Tennitis and Byleteral Hearing Loss, if this applies. Send the findings with your claim. V.A. will determine if it's Service Connected or not. (EC) 4/14/22