Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q33: I am a Vietnam War Veteran and Helicopter Crew Chief or Door Gunner. My question is, I have heard that the VA was going to add hypertension or high blood pressure and COPD to the presumptive disabilities list. Has that happened yet?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: No. There haven't been any additions. (AP) 3/3/18
A2: IF the VA has not added COPD to the disabilities list, they SHOULD, when I enlisted in 1954 it was COMMON PRACTICE TO BE ISSUED A 4 of cigarettes with all c-rats. (GK) 3/3/18
A3: I had a hearing on the 16th of March and COPD was one item that was denied by the VA, filed the appeal along with several other disabilities and the Judge said COPD is not a presumption under the Agent Orange, which I knew wasn't but the Veteran wanted to appeal it so I did and that was our answer. (GR) 3/18/21