Those That
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question click on link.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
449. Will my wife get any money from the VA if I die before her & at what % if any?
451. What should I do to help my wife?
452. Why do I have to pay $500.00 for refinancing appraisal if I have a VA loan?
453. If I get married with a female with two would the VA take care of them if I die?
454. Where is my stimulus check?
455. Should I have had MRI there and fixed before I got out of the military?
456. Is there a way that I can get an increase in my benefits?
457. Shouldn't I be eligible for VA medical services?
458. How can I go about getting replacement aids as I have had these aids for over four years now?
459. Why is it that the VA did not give me $500.00 for COVID-19?
460. Will VA compensate me for the error they made on my claim?
463. If my husband dies from SVC disabilities will I receive DIC?
464. Why wasn’t I given a VA rating on these?
465. Does she qualify for any type of VA pension?
466. Is there anything else I can do to get help?
467. I'm getting medical statements denials I don't understand.
468. I have put in an appeal to the VA Judges. What more can I do?
469. What happened to my compensation?
470. Can someone help me with any of my concerns?
471. Does the VA provide assistance with home modifications?
472. I'm wondering if I should be receiving 20% compensation since the ringing in both ears is constant?
473. How can l qualify for the Homeownership Assistance Program Grant in New York?
474. What do I do next to get my 100% rating restored?
475. Can anyone explain how VA does its rating calculations?
476. My husband passed away, why don't I receive his VA benefits?
477. Why is the current VA Secretary holding off approving new presumed disabilities?
478. Am I eligible for a property tax rate reduction?
481. Any recommendations are appreciated.
482. Can I claim any connection to my Agent Orange exposure?
483. Is there any truth to this and is it possible to be tested for exposure to this?
484. Can surviving wife still put in a claim?
486. Recently was diagnosed with Diverticulitis and had surgery. Is this claim covered by VA?
487. Shouldn’t I qualify for some VA compensation besides just a hearing aids?
488. Please give me advice as to what to do about this horrible situation.
489. Is there a grant through the VA I can get to help with this issue?
490. Will the VA pay me when I originally made my claim back in 2002?
493. Please explain in layman terms military service credit?
494. I would like an increase in my disability compensation. How would I start the process?
496. How do I obtain copies of previous claims to the VA?
497. How does one go about arranging for the VA to provide medication?
498. Should I file for a higher rating?
499. Will the VA help me get assistant with replacing the roof on my house?
500. Who's responsible for this PTSD?
501. I would like to know what it is I have to do to get VA benefits when my husband passes away?
502. Do VSO's have a database with which veterans would be notified if they qualify for further benefits?
503. Is there a free website where I can list my spouse’s passing and bio?
504. Can I sue the VA for negligence?
505. Why would the VA up my rating from 50% to 100% after I am healed from PTSD?
506. Does anyone know how effective lawyers are in winning VA disability claims?
507. Any way I can switch primary care doc?
508. Is there any place I can stop and relax on the road that caters to veterans?
509. Can I claim step-grandchildren?
510. Can someone explain why I can't be compensated for this illness [prostate cancer]?
511. Does service-connectedness apply to any condition that you had when you left service?
512. What would be the stipend for Yucca Valley, California?
513. If I take this job will I lose my 100% rating?
514. Do I qualify for anything from the VA?
515. What can I do now to get life insurance?
516. What can I do to prove my case without having evidence?
518. Where do I apply for info to get a Will started?
519. Does the VA offer any help in preventing a veteran from becoming homeless?
520. Will the VA reduce or stop the disability payments if healed?
522. Do I have a case against the VA for compensation?
523. Can a veteran with a 90% disability for a back injury work as an EMT that requires using his back?
524. How can I correct the date in order to receive reimbursement?
525. What would you do about VA employees if you were in my position?
526. VA says I am employable and not permanent. How can I appeal this decision?
527. Is there any way I can get my old job back at the VA?
528. Whose documentation will the VA believe, my civilian doctor or their doctor?
529. Why does the CRSC have anything to do with backpay?
530. Is it possible for a widow to get hearing aids from the VA?
531. Is there any way I can get service-connected for herbicide/Agent Orange exposure?
532. Can someone steer me in the right direction for a link?
533. I recently was approved for benefits so shouldn’t I get some kind of ID card indicating same?
534. How do I go about getting reevaluated?
535. How do you prove out your past history when your records are missing?
536. What do I have to do to be considered?
537. Where can I find a VA grant to help with home repairs?
538. I heard that the VA is offering free notebooks or laptops just for the asking. Is this true?
539. Can I get an extension on my delimiting date for education benefits?
541. Can I get help from the V.A. with these bills?
542. Do I have any medical benefits if I was not diagnosed with a military disability while in service?