Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q481: In the not too distant past, my VA oncologist recommended a biopsy of my prostate due to a PSA of 11+. The results came back negative. Subsequent to that a dramatic weight loss prompted my bride to tell me to find a civilian Dr. who recommended me to a urology/oncology team. Biopsy #2 was conducted with (guess what?) positive results. After consults with the civilian team radioactive seed implant was recommended. VA raised my compensation to 100% for prostate cancer. Eight months later, VA scheduled a C&P on the opposite end of Chicago with a civilian provider. The driver that takes me to my appointments, told me that he would not go to that neighborhood. I called VA and told them I could not attend the appointment, the rep said he would have it rescheduled to VAMC my usual location. Two days later got a call from the QTC office asking why I had missed my appointment. I explained what I was told by the VA rep prior to the appointment. One week later I received a letter from VA telling me they were cutting my benefits to zero due to missed appointment. Contacted VA the same day and was advised to submit a Statement of Claim #214135 on my behalf. I then contacted the Presidents VA Hot Line for help. Was advised by VA that a second C&P would be scheduled at VA North Chicago, my usual location. When I arrived at VAMC, the same Dr. who gave me the negative biopsy report was the one who conducted the C&P exam. He told me he did not want to talk about his history of brachytherapy. The entire meeting seemed to be adversarial. Subsequently, VA advised that my compensation was being reduced to 70% effective 1 AUG 20. My benefit prior to the cancer was 60%, being increased by 10% for cancer. I am at a loss as to how to pursue this disaster. Any recommendations are appreciated. I am a retired Vietnam vet that had been sprayed on numerous occasions.

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A1: You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, AmVets or another service organization. Have you contacted the VSO who helped you file the claim and have you kept him/her abreast of your situation. It appears you have not been your VSO up to date or trying to do it on your own. This is A mistake many vets make. Your problems can be easily resolved by an Accredited VSO. Contact one tomorrow. (VA) 7/26/20
A2: I am sorry to hear about your misdiagnosis. I did not see a VA doc, but I had my prostate removed due to cancer. I submitted a claim with VA as soon as I found out I had cancer, and when approved I knew up front that the 100% disability may eventually be reduced. It was reduced to 70% several months ago. (The 70% was for both cancer and diabetes.) Others I know have also had their %s reduced after follow up visits. I think it is common. (JK) 7/26/20
A3: Well, according to the VA doctor that tried to let you die the first time, probably screwed you the second time too. What he did the second time when he examined you for your C&P was to say there was no active cancer and you were rated on the residuals. When cancer is active, you shall be rated at 100%. If it was me, I'd get a real doctor to examine you (oncologist) and if he/she says the cancer is still active (which with a seed implant I don't know why it wouldn't be) and then do a supplemental claim w/ the doctor letter stating the cancer is still active. If you do it w/in a year you might have your 100% continued from the date you were reduced. (DS) 7/26/20
A4: I dont have a VSO myself, but heard they help, also how about the Vietnam Veterans of America, they have a website the e benefits website. (JA) 7/26/20
A5: The Statement of Claim is a VA Form 21-4138. Contact a DAV Service Officer for assistance in the claim and the follow up. (DT) 7/26/20
A6: Yes, ask to be reevaluated. Good luck! Never give up!! (EA) 7/26/20
A7: I want to forward this to a Marc McCabe who may be able to help you but I need your contact information. Can send it to my email. (AM) 7/26/20
A8: Contact your State Representative and Both State Senators, tell them the facts, make no mention of name or your personal feeling towards the Doctor. They can make things happen. Chances are, your Dr. is a former Military Dr. who should not be a VA Dr. since it is a conflict of interest as most Dr. from the Military find a loophole to get into the VA system. Many times the Dr. become complacent and angry the way they are treated and take it out on the Vets. Please take care, stand your ground and good luck. (ES) 7/26/20
A9: I like you am a VN vet and had the same diagnosis as you as well as the same type of treatment. I was originally at 100% and after my exam by the VA selected doctor I was reduced to 30%. My suggestion is to take what they are offering if you have been deemed cancer free. (JH) 7/26/20
A10: I agree you should talk with an VSO sooner versus later. Based on what you have stated you should be able to ask VA for another exam with another doctor. (LG) 7/26/20
A11: I think you have to get a rep as well. I had a C & P with a PA once that I had a problem with in the past, as well. I always thought there was something wrong with the whole picture but I never have settled it in my mind. it looked like a conflict of interest to me but I still think it was and I wonder. (MK) 7/26/20
A12: I filed a claim with VVOA......they dragged their feet, never met with SO. I was 20%. I changed to DAV, met with a SO and with in six months I was 100%. I'm guessing you have a SO? They should be filing the paper work and fighting for you. I have three buddies who had CP out side the VA and the Dr's. knew nothing about Nam and all three received less than 40%. Good luck. (DE) 7/27/20
A13: Brother, just read your letter. I am now in the same boat you were in, or are you still in it. OTC, I believe are a private firm hired to cut our compensation. I started out today talking with someone in Philly. Even faxed my med test. They now are going to have some Doctor call me on the phone from CA tomorrow. My VVA rep has sent a request to cancel, and that I will deal with the VA, and my cancer doctor. Today is 7/28/2020. Also receievd just now a letter from them saying they can't get ahold of me. (PG) 7/28/20