Those That
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Q528: Big problem. I need your help. I am a Vietnam veteran with big psych problems. Bad dreams about the war, social anxiety, flashbacks about the war and a bunch of other things that point to PTSD. My VA doctor says I don’t have PTSD. She said I have mild anxiety and she can fix it in her group sessions. My civilian doctor says I have full blown PTSD. He said from my history I’ve had PTSD for a long time. Here’s the problem. I want to put in a claim for PTSD with the VA. Who will they side with? The VA doctor or my civilian doctor?

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A1: You failed to mention if either doctors are psychiatrists. The medical specialist applicable to your diagnosis is always the expert. At any rate, file the claim and the VA will decide. (DS) 10/7/20
A2: I would suggest you file the claim with copies of your civilian doctors diagnosis and clinical notes.
The VA must weight out the evidence and allow for civilian doctor's information to be considered equally. (RJ) 10/7/20
A3: Go to the Vet Center. They will evaluate and submit a PTSD Claim. They are outside the normal VA hospital structure and and deal exclusively with veteran psychological problems. It took me 4 interviews do get a diagnosis of 50%. (WC) 10/7/20
A4: I will take the side of the civilian doctor because in my situation I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder through the VA and when I went to the civilian doctor they said I had no mental condition whatsoever. I received 70% service connected disability and I don't even want it I was pressured into it through my family because they believe the VA of a civilian. That is my opinion. (SB) 10/7/20
A5: First of all, Welcome home brother. Did you sign up for the Vietnam registry, if not you need to. Next, change your Doctor. You need the help of a Veteran Service officer to help with your claim. DAV, VFW, American Legion, VVA, state or county also will have VSO's. If you have Vet friends ask for referrals. Not all VSO's are equal. PTSD is only one side of your claim. Presumptive Agent Orange illness and secondary illness of presumptive AO illness can be a stronger claim. Also, what you did and where you were can be important. (LE) 10/7/20
A6: Go see an Accredited VSO with the VFW. Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take your DD-214 and all your VA correspondence and your private medical records. They will give you good advice regarding your VA ratings. Then go apply for a job with the VA. VSOs do not give employment advice. (GH) 10/7/20
A7: I'd get 2nd opinion from another civilian Dr. who specializes in PTSD or go to an outreach clinic & try to get 2nd op or eval there first to present to VA. That's basically what I did. (WM) 10/7/20
A8: Request a new VA doctor. Use the records from the civilian doctor to support your claim. I have PTSD and have great doctors who understand and support my condition. Don't give up, take it up the VA chain if you have to get the support you need even if that means trying a different VA. If you go up the chain you will find help. (TM) 10/8/20