Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q510: My Agent Orange, prostate cancer did not come until later in life. Can someone explain why I can't be compensated for this illness? After all I did file for this in 1999.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, Am Legion, Am Vets, DAV or another Veterans Service Organization. Take them your information from the VA and why the claim was denied. They can assist you. Also a copy of your DD-214. (GH) 8/30/20
A2: Were you in Vietnam? Or off shore? If so, make sure you have a VSO representative. They can help with your claim. (LJ) 8/30/20
A3: Do you have a Pathology report? That should tell it all and turn that into the VA. (JP) 8/30/20
A4: Complete and sign VA Form 21-526EZ, they take it from there. There are newer laws on the books, such as Nehmer, BWN, etc. (JA) 8/31/20
A5: I am a VSO and deal with these claims on a daily basis.
You have not provided enough information for me to give you a solid answer. Email me and we can discuss this situation.
A6: Have you filed a claim within the last 12 months or been declined benefits within the last 24 months. If not then you are not under consideration for benefits or being reviewed at all. You must follow up on your claims vigorously and never stop until you are satisfied with the decision. To my knowledge, the VA will seldom, if ever, reopen closed cases on their own. That stated, if you allow more time than is given you to argue or protest a decision, then your file (claim) will be closed and you will have to start again at Square ONE which requires a brand new claims process including documents and evidence. If and when new claims are approved, then you can argue for the rating level and even attempt to go retroactive in time for prior period of compensation but you must be approved first. I wam guessing that you will be having to restart the process. This time stay with it and follow up on your paperwork. Don't stop and don't give up. (GC) 8/31/20