Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q491: I am a Marine that served in Vietnam in 1969, while moving from our position the following morning we were ambushed and a mortar round dropped next to me close to my left side of my body while running and was thrown about a foot or two to the side, at that time I didn't think anything about it, but now I am having trouble hearing. I have been checked by the military hospital and given hearing aid, and was told by the doctor that it was caused by the noise I received while in combat and the training we received. I sent in a claim for an upgrade in my compensation but was denied, to make matters worse in time my other ear is going out also. What is my next move? Do I keep pestering them till they give in before I kick the bucket?

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A1: Did the doctor put it in your medical records saying that your hearing loss was from the explosion? If not do you have any buddies that were there to write a buddy letter for you? If so submit the information. If you were in combat and can so it keep after them until you get results. Get a good VSO and go after it. (AT) 8/2/20
A2: I think you should follow thru with your feelings, but I would go through a VSO to help you and to submit your claim as they have all the references, etc. That way VA will see you are taking your claim thru an approved "advisor" and it will not be considered as "pestering" them. It really is better to go thru a VSO instead of doing it yourself, as they have the means to follow up on your claim also. I hope this helps and I wish you the best. (RC) 8/2/20
A3: Contact your local congressman and I hope he is a republican. He should help you. (JH) 8/2/20
A4: Any doctor who says they can tell the original cause of a hearing issue 50 years after the fact is tossing you a line. He can assume, he can guess, but he cannot know. For instance, I worked on a flightline for 15 years. After I got out of the service I worked with a sound engineering company. We set up concert speakers for live bands. If you can name a modern band, I have probably set up their sound equipment. Now, which cause my current hearing loss and tinnitus?
If you had an exit physical upon getting out of the service or within a year of discharge and it showed a marked hearing loss compared to your entry physical, you have a chance. Otherwise, you have little chance of getting this hearing loss approved. Tinnitus, on the other and might be possible since it was not recognized as a medical condition until much later than your discharge. (RJ) 8/3/20
A5: At this time, I think you should seek a VSO / Veterans Service Office (Purple Heart, Disabled Veterans/DAV, VFW) representative or a Lawyer (sometimes you can find an Attorney that does Pro Bono work for Veterans or works directly for Vets). (MB) 8/3/20
A6: Keep pestering. In this together. (MJ) 8/7/20