Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q502: Over the years, I have noticed that VSO contacts are initiated by the veteran. Do VSO's have a database with which veterans would be notified if they qualify for further benefits? Do VSO's maintain databases of clients, and in-turn, contact veterans, or do veterans have to initiate contact? In nearly thirty years I've never witnessed VSO initiated correspondence.

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A1: I am not sure if he does. (DT) 8/23/20
A2: VSO, VA won't come to you. You have to initiate dialog. (GR) 8/23/20
A3: I think that really would be a wonderful thing. VSO's contacting us when they see something that would be in our favor or in crease ou benefits. Just pick up the phone and say I think we have a good chance on this ___whateve let's take a look and give it a chance. (CD) 8/23/20
A4: To my knowledge there is no such database. The time and cost to maintain one would be astronomical. It is up to each veteran to monitor his or hers health and to apply for any benefits that they deserve. I don't believe that vso's have access to individual medical records to even begin to try and figure out for what additional benefits you would qualify. Therefor it is imperative that you file for yourself. (TB) 8/23/20
A5: No, I have never had a VSO actually initiate contact. Also have had a difficult time reaching and getting a VSO to return calls. So now I just do the leg work myself. (BT) 8/23/20
A6: Noooo. VSO'a do NOT maintain mail or contact lists. We are strictly prohibited from keeping any kind of records on the Vets that we help. Nor can they really reach out each time there's a new benefit or policy change. Many VSO's have HUGE areas of responsibility and help numerous Vets. The BEST thing you can do is join a service organization (DAV, Am Lgn, VFW, etc) and follow up with the VSO that works with them. There are also numerous websites that share any changes. (KD) 8/23/20
A7: I agree with TB regarding the VSOs. My claim was at 80%,when I told my VSO, wanted to go for IU,however,she told if I did that they might knock me back. I said I still wanted to go for it. I got 100%. So there you have it. Some times you just have to go it alone. (MH) 8/23/20
A8: By law VSO other than Department and National Service Officer are prohibited from retaining private information on the veterans they assist. By nature of claims have to be initiated by the veteran SVO can not initiate first. (SR) 8/23/20
A9: I have never had a VSO initiated contact. Worse than that, I missed out on many years of VA disability benefits because I was totally unaware I was eligible for them due to Agent Orange exposure. (DL) 8/23/20
A10: The California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) maintains a registry of Veterans in the State of California, and regularly broadcasts information on Benefits and Healthcare to them. But as previously noted, they cannot initiate a claim for new or upgraded benefits. The Veterans, being the one with the most knowledge of his/her situation, must, By Law, initiate the claim. (DJ) 8/23/20
A11: As with all programs individuals have to be responsible for themselves, research and ask questions. No one is going to spoon feed you by telling you about every program you may or may not be qualified for nor should they. If you don't have enough interest in taking care of yourself and your family why should someone else? (LG) 8/23/20
A12: The VSOS all seem to be afraid of the VA. (CW) 8/23/20
A13: In New York we are trying to pass a law that would require a list of newly separated service members sent to county service offices. This has not passed yet. (MB) 8/24/20
A14: No.. in my experience it has always been veteran initiated. Never once has a VSO ever contacted me back to see if my problem/issue/claim has been resolved.... That's why I usually do it my self. (TS) 8/24/20
A15: Unfortunately, there is no centralized database of information distribution system.
I have been doing VSO work for many years and I have rarely initiated contact for a couple of reasons.
First, I maintain a steady work load of approximately 250 clients at any given time. I just don't have the time to handle too many more clients.
Second, unless a veteran or a family member initiates the contact, I have no real way of knowing about the veteran's need. I live in a fairly rural county and we have over 12,000 veterans in the county. This does not count the surviving spouses of diseased veterans. I would estimate there are approximately 5,000 + in that category. Since there are only two VSOs in this county, I think you can start to see the problem.
There is one good thing, the military is starting the disability claims process for our current military members before they are discharged. They are also well briefed on the Veteran benefits and how to apply for them. (RJ) 8/24/20
A16: The past ten years I have had my LOCAL V.A. IVSO ,then the American Legion and neither one ever called me, provided update or worked any evidence. I fired both of them, took my case all the way thru C&P?s then into BVA Law Judge to present my case. Agent Orange Blue Water Navy with no deck logs to prove I was with-in limits , however thru research found evidence that I was on Republic of Vietnam shore and won my claim. I am NOW 90% disabled and awaiting %for Ischemic Heart Failure. Do your work or get a law firm that will do it properly in your interest. (DF) 8/24/20
A17: vso represents you in claim. do research on than open claim with vso in primary and secondary conditions. have one year to submit info on claim. appeal until you get what you need and deserve. (MJ) 8/24/20
From Inquirer: Thanks for all your answers folks. Your answers don't surprise me, but doesn't make it right. Our advocates should work for, not against us. We should not have to feel like beggars...Bernard