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Q501: I would like to know what it is I have to do to get VA benefits when my husband passes away? Is there a step-by-step guide I can get my hands on? I need literature that will take me from point A to point B easily.

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A1: Call your local County Veterans Service Officer. They usually have a checklist of who to contact and what info to provide when a Veteran passes. If your husband is a member of a Veterans Service Organization like the American Legion, DAV, FRA, VFW, etc, contact the local Post Chaplain or Service Officer. They can give you a pamphlet where you can collect all the info you will need . The Retiree Affairs Office (RAO) at your local military base should also be able to help, even if your husband did not retire from the military. (DJ) 8/12/20
A2: I suggest you go to the following web site link. It is the VA web site explaining exactly how to apply for surviving spouse benefits as well as how to determine if you are eligible for benefits. (DL) 8/12/20
A3: Visit this web site for step by step (CB) 8/12/20
A4: I am an Accredited VSO with Vietnam Veterans of America. All you will need to do is go see a Veterans Service Officer and they can help with the process of filing a claim for DIC, if you qualify. (AH) 8/12/20
A5:, fill out and print out on line then mail in whatever they want look around at that website im no expert but that is where the benefits would come from that much i know is the starting point unless you depend on a VSO guy. (JA) 8/12/20