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Q499: I’m a Vietnam disabled Veteran. I’m a 100 percent disabled. Will the VA help me get assistant with replacing the roof on my house? And if so, how do I go about applying for the assistant?

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A1: The best way to start your application would be to go to your local DAV or VSO Office. They have the necessary documents and knowledge to help you get started. I hope this helps. (RC) 8/12/20
A2: Start with your local Veterans Service Officer (County VSO, American Legion, DAV, VFW, etc). Ask about Adaptive Housing grants. Also ask what local assistance is available. Many States, Counties, and local non-profit groups provide adaptive housing assistance to people with disabilities. Both Home Depot and Lowe's participate in such programs, but they do so through local non-profits. (DJ) 8/12/20
A3: Do a google search for Semperfifund, give them a call and ask them if you qualify. ( They gave me a grant for a new roof ) and it was easy to apply . (KH) 8/12/20
A4: Thank you for your service. I am only aware of the VA paying for improvement for adaptive services ie. getting an accessible shower, rails, or ramp if you are disabled. However some local service programs are available depedning on your local. Here is one for the midwest: and one for florida: . If you are unable to find any programs locally, perhaps you can look into a VA loan. Rates are much lower than they have been in the past. Good Luck! (MH) 8/12/20
A5: I was told I had to go to the veterans land board that's not true, but I call my mortgage company to apply or go to the veterans loan companies were you got your loan and see if they can give you more information And please let me know so I can replace my roof also. Or you can call a VSO to ask for assistance. (TD) 8/12/20
A6: I am an FULLY ACRREDITED VSO with Vietnam Veterans of America show here is your answer to your question about roofs. No the VA will not help you get you roof fixed. They will only help with money to remodel your home for bathrooms, widening your door ways, making the the home assessible for the disabled Vet. But not roofs. (AH) 8/12/20
A7: I am sure you get your health care from the VA system. Talk to your Dr. Any concerns, they are there for you. (EA) 8/13/20
A8: I would recommend contacting a grant based organization like the Semper Fi Fund ( or perhaps the Gary Sinese Fund ( for assistance. I can tell you from personal experience the VA will not, nor will your County Veteran Service Officer assist you with your roof; these organizations very well might. (TB) 8/18/20