Those That
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Q512: I'm 100 % P&T would like to apply and assign my wife as my caregiver. What would be the stipend for Yucca Valley, California?

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A1: You could be eligible for Aid & Attendance if you are housebound. Contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, DAV, VFW, Am Vets or the Service Officer who handled your initial claim. They will answer your questions. (GH) 9/2/20
A2: I would be curious to know this as well. From what I can see/imagine is if you are 100% Service Connected P&T then you could effectively hire your wife or whomever you would like to care for everything that you need 24/7. (MK) 9/3/20
A3: I don't know if I am reading your question correctly, but applying for A&A is not as easy as just applying for A&A. There is criteria that has to be met. Additionally, as of this year new guidelines have been established and is located on the VA website. As for how much compensation you will receive this is also dependent on the extent of the disability(s). What is important is that the program is available to assist the disabled veteran. For assistance please contact a VSO. (SJ) 9/4/20