Those That
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Q469: I had to take care of my husband for ten years before he died. He had the flu and I had to put him in the VA hospital but I had to take him out for mistreatment and turn him over to Vetus. The VA never gave me anything for taking care of him. What happened to my compensation?

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A1: I hope this helps. I live in Texas. Texas has great benefits, one being if you are a Vet with 100% disability the Vet & spouse are 100% exempt for property taxes in Tx, if the vet dies and the spouse does not remarry he or she still receives the 100% tax exemption as long as the survivor does not remarry. Most states do not provide that great benefit. I am understanding that if the vet passes away from one of their disability say for example Agent Orange and or Diabetes the survivor should be eligible for a percentage of the total disability. You really need to talk to a VA representative. Good luck I wish you the best in addition I would think you would re rive and back pays due. In addition, if the VA Home mistreated the Vet and you took care the VA Pays for you taking care of your husband. My wife took care of her parents ( WWII VET, B17 Pilot). (CB) 7/20/20
A2: You would have had to apply for that - if you didn't, you won't get any. In actuality, YOU don't get compensation. The money was HIS to take care of him. Since he has passed - and you no longer take care of the Veteran, you won't get anything. (KD) 7/20/20
A3: You had to fill out form 21-2680 Aid and attendance when he was an alive sign by a doctor. Call the VA up at 1-800 827-1000. Maybe they can help you. (JP) 7/20/20
A4: I highly recommend you see an Accredited VA Service Officer from the VFW, DAV, American Legion, AmVets or another Service Organization. You did not say if he was drawing VA compensation. If he was home bound for ten years before he died and was drawing compensation Aid & Attendance could have been filed. You need to see a VSO immediately and he will file for DIC if you are eligible. You will not be paid for something that you/him did not file a claim for. (GH) 7/20/20
A5: Go on this web site it might be some help (JP) 7/23/20