Those That
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Q494: I have had four heart attacks in the last three years. I tried going through VSO with little to no help. I have not worked in four years. I would like an increase in my disability compensation. How would I start the process?

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A1: Best place to start is on, fill out whatever they want on the website, and print out and mail in whatever else they want, good place to start, may be the last place you need. P.S. im no expert though. (JA) 8/4/20
A2: Get with the DAV. To file your claim. (AD) 8/4/20
A3: With the very limited information provided I'll assume that your heart disease is service connected. All you need to do is complete VA Form 21-0526EZ and mail to the VA Claims Intake Center in Janesville WI. To speed up rating your claim submit a copy of your most recent cardiology test(s) showing either METs and/or LVEF, which indicate the function of your heart. (AB) 8/4/20
A4: 1st: Are you service connected for your heart disease ?
2nd. Were you treated in service (active duty) for anything that could be linked to your heart condition ? 3rd. Did you service in Vietnam, Korea, and/or Thailand during the dates, locations, as specified by VA, and the laws ? Agent Orange Exposure. 4th. Are you are wartime era veteran ? If you are you could qualify for Non Service Connected Pension with Aid and Attendance. Do note that this benefit you also have to qualify, dates, financially, unreimbursed medical expensive.....out of pocket costs for medical to include over the counter medications, and living care information. 5th. Remember if you have the need to know, don't listen to these lawyers without degrees that will fill you up with the wrong information. Go to your state veterans service officers. State veterans service officers will serve you, remember they work for the state, YOU. These other veterans service organizations, from my experience, are all show, membership, and when you need to contact them you can never reach them. GOOD LUCK, PRAYING FOR YOU BROTHER, AND GOD BLESS!!!!! (SS) 8/4/20
A5: Contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, Am Legion, Am Vets, DAV or another Service Organization. Take a copy of your DD-214 and all letters you have received from the VA. Do not try doing it yourself. That is a mistake. Do not listen to Stockade Lawyers. You did not say what caused your heart attacks. I do not know what info you had given your previous VSO. He/She can only work with facts. (GH) 8/4/20