Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q498: I broke my ankle while deployed. It was said to be a sprained ankle. I had to have 2 surgeries upon returning from deployment. The VA is still showing this as a sprain. Should I refile? I also have a disability of 70% for my back that I injured on at training. I had my first back surgery in 2000 and the most recent one in April 2019. Should I file for a higher rating?

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A1: Contact an accredited VSO from the DAV, VFW, Am Vets, Am Legion or another Veterans Service Organization. The VSO can explain how to file your claim and answer all your questions. Take your DD-214 , medical records and all your correspondence from the VA to the VSO. If your are still in the Reserves, NG or on Active Duty it appears that you are no longer deployable. (GH) 8/6/20
A2: I broke my foot in 78. The Army said it was a sprain foot. I got 10% and a medical discharged. I've had 8 feet surgeries. I've gotten nerve damage now. I?'m 100% with smc because of my injuries. Keep filing don't stop. (RN) 8/6/20
A3: Definitely file for the broken ankle and bring your private medical records or any service or VA medical records for the ankle to a qualified VSO. Be careful about a claim for increase if you really are 70% for your back. That's a pretty high rating for a back condition. Talk to a VSO and your VA doctor or private physician and get their medical opinion if your back has really gotten worse. If you had a recent hospitalization for your back in excess of 21 days or required convalescence following back surgery of 30 or more days you might qualify for a temporary 100% rating under U.S.C. 4.29 or 4.30. But ask your VSO First before you do anything! Good luck. (KG) 8/6/20