Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q487: I served 1968 in Vietnam as a combat engineer doing mine sweeps. On my DA 8-274 dated October 1967 it says ”9519 high tone hearing loss, LOD: Yes.” Then it goes on to say “No assignments involving habitual or frequent exposure to loud noises or firing of weapons.” Well, guess what - they assigned me to a combat platoon and besides firing weapons I was exposed to mines and blasts without any ear protection. Every day of my life it sounds like a 1000 crickets in my head and I do not hear very well. I live outside the U.S. so it is impossible for me to visit any VA clinics nearby. Shouldn’t I qualify for some VA compensation besides just a hearing aids? Thanks! 19th Combat Engineer Battalion LZ Thunder.

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A1: I receive 10% for tinnitus & 0% for hearing loss. I was an aircraft mechanic on B-52 bombers/KC-135 tankers. The VA awarded disability based on my MOS being around running jet engines each day. I would go to & submit a claim. I was sent to a VA contractor for my hearing test, hopefully they will find one for you. (JC) 7/31/20
A2: Yes, you need to either go to a military facility and se if they have a VA Rep. If not send me your DD-214 and I will assist you with our claim. (TO) 7/31/20
A3: Yes, and you will get 10% I also would applied for hearing loss. (AM) 7/31/20
A4: The simple answer is yes. If you have the documentation, you should be receiving compensation. Email and I will see if I can help. (RJ) 7/31/20
A5: I've tried for years to get my hearing loss and tinnitus covered. Had hearing tests by non-VA people and they agree I have both conditions. VA has continuously failed to cover . Have CIB to prove combat participant. Let me know if you come up with anything. (JK) 7/31/20
A6: YES - have VA or approved clinic conduct a hearing test. Then attached findings to a claim for tinnitis. With than claim a letter explaining you were attached later to a combat platoon. Any friend that was with you in combat can add additional support for that transfer. If you're receiving hearing aids did you already have a hearing test? (CB) 7/31/20
A7: You could file your hearing loss claim online by going to the website and register your name and personal information. I would submit private medical evidence with your claim from your doctor or hearing specialist showing your most recent hearing tests. Also try using Google to locate a veterans service organization like the DAV or the VFW nearest your location probably at a US military base or hospital. The VA is responsible for finding all your service medical records and any VA medical records once you file your claim on a VA Form 21-526EZ. Good luck! (KG) 7/31/20
A8: Take the issue to DAV !!! (GV) 7/31/20
A9: Yes probably qualify for PTSD, Diabetis, Prostate & other stuff if you have been exposed to Agent Orange. You can google it if your suffering from one of the problem above and the listing that links to Agent Orange. (RR) 7/31/20
A10: First thing you need to do is get a hearing test, preferably by the VA or as a substitute, have one done at a civilian facility and submit to the VA via filing a Disability Compensation Claim. Sounds like you have Tinnitus in additional to hearing issues. I was in the same boat. You can file online at ; the VA is now outsourcing disability claims so you will probably be directed to civilian doctors in your area, but that is a guess on my part; at least that is what occurred in my situation after waiting 4 years. Good luck, but don't give up. (BB) 7/31/20
A11: Yes you are. Go to your vso and apply. And keep going back till you get results. Never give up... (EA) 7/31/20
A12: I had to take 3 hearing test that the VA sent me to to get my 10%. I am also a vietnam vet I got it 2 or 3 years ago. Don't know what you would do living outside the US. (JD) 7/31/20
A13: I believe in your situation you will need to go to the states to see a VSO and get set up for testing and subsequently compensation evaluation. Without those, I think you will have a hard time convincing VA to award you a disability percentage. (RC) 7/31/20
A14: Call 800-827-1000 in Florida. They can direct you to the right place or even fill out a compensation form for 10% for tinitis and even more for loss of hearing. They can direct you to th right place. (BK) 8/1/20
A15: Based on just the limited information in your message you may be eligible for compensation for service connected hearing loss and tinnitus. The problem I see is how does the VA provide a Compensation exam to determine your level of hearing loss. (AB) 8/2/20