Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q462: I understand Agent Orange was used on the Korean DMZ. What was the period during which this happened?

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A1: Yes Agent Orange was used at the DMZ. Google up Agent Orange usage in Korea. It will give dates and units affected. However contact an Accredited VSO from the Am Legion, DAV, VFW, Amvets or another Service Organization and they will advise you and file a claim if you meet the presumptive illnesses. Or other injuries incurred during Military Service. (GH) 7/11/20
A2: A tip for filing a good claim. It is called the Calusa Triangle. It contains 3 parts. 1. A current diagnosis. No diagnosis. No Service connection! 2. In service event: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. 3. NEXUS. (Link - Cause and effect connection) or a DOCTORS STATEMENT "Is as least likely as not due to MILITARY SERVICE. (GH) 7/12/20
A3: 1 April1968 - 31 Aug 1971. (RJ) 7/13/20