Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q459: Why is it that the VA did not give me $500.00 for COVID-19? I can sure use it. I am not going outdoors because I am too afraid. I did not even get free food from anywhere or any organization. I sure wish my husband was alive to help me.

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A1: The VA did not issue any money for COVID, that money cane from the IRS. If you are looking for assistance with groceries, you would go to your local community, since again, the VA does not provide that. I would suggest first contacting a Service Officer either at the VA, DAV, Am Legion, etc. to see if you may qualify for widow benefits. Also if you need groceries, contact a local food bank or church. (KD) 7/9/20
A2: Go to and after you check status put your bank a/c number in there so they can send you direct deposit, if it might be to late for that you will get a check, but do this anyway for the next Stimulus payment. (BT) 7/9/20
A3: Contact an Accredited VSO with the AmLegion, VFW, DAV, AmVets or another Service Organization. They can assist in the right direction regarding Stimulus Payments. They can also assist in getting food and other assistance. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Don't sit home and tremble with fear. Call a Service Officer tomorrow. You need help. (GH) 7/9/20