Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q496: How do I obtain copies of previous claims to the VA? And, how would I submit my VA claim in IRIS evidence on eBenifits?

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A1: I would suggest going to your local VSO or DAV and let them assist you with this. I found it is better to ask a qualified representative is better than doing it on your own. Hope this helps. (RC) 8/6/20
A2: Contact an Accredited VSO from the Am Legion, DAV, VFW, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. They will help you get your C-File from the VA. Do not try to file a claim through Ebenefits. Remember the VSOs due free of charge and can assist you in filing for benefits. Do not listen to Stockade Lawyers. Take your DD-214 and all of your paper work from the VA and make an appointment ASAP with a VSO. (GH) 8/6/20
A3: Before you do an IRIS inquiry you have to identify what the problem is you are having with the VA, i.e. not receiving your compensation payments, no notification notice for a new VA rating based on your last claim, an overpayment issue, etc. Do Not do this on your own. Ask an accredited veteran service organization like DAV, VFW, AMVETS or a county veterans office to represent you in this inquiry. Tell the VSO you select what your issue is, make sure they have a VA Form 21-22 signed by you to represent you with the VA and let the VSO do the inquiry on your behalf. IRIS inquiries without documented paperwork on file with VA don't go anywhere unless your issue is specifically articulated in writing. Let the VSO handle it , it's a free service and there are plenty of good ones who know what they are doing. It's their job! (KG) 8/6/20