Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q448: Is there a time limit for when you can file for contact with Agent Orange from my time in Vietnam 1967/68 U.S. Army, Recon? I have been diagnosed by a V.A. Dermatologist for Chloracne.

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A1: Had 2 xancers 2015, bladder and kidney, Infantry in vietnam 1970-71. (AH) 7/5/20
A2: It must manifest to a 10% degree of disability within a year of leaving Vietnam. If you did not claim it then or do not have a medical record showing you had a skin disorder within that year. You are too late to file a claim. (JD) 7/5/20
A3: My both legs are dead cell, ever since I left Viet Nam in 1968. (MN) 7/5/20
A4: Yes, not sure if it was 12 or 18 months after returning to states. (BP) 7/5/20
A5: Contact an Accredited VSO from the American Legion, VFW, DAV or other Veterans Organizations. Take with you your discharge (DD-214) and medical records both military and civilian. File a claim. (GH) 7/5/20
A6: There is no time limit to file a claim. File now. (RR) 7/5/20
A7: Not that I am aware of, most Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange were not aware that they have the side effects of Exposure to those Chemicals. It depends on your medical conditions, but be aware that X-Rays a good sourse, M R I's if done correctly, will show if you have signs or findings and verfied by a V.A. Certified Doctor. Good Luck!!! Agent Orange Claims is that last thing that a V.A. wants to approve. It takes Certified Medical Doctors with experience in Agent Orange Side Effects to agree that Exposure caused your Medical Condition as a result of Exposure to the Toxic Chemicals. Once it's been determined that your disabilities are related to the List Of Agent Orange related Disabilities. FIle the claim is you feel your Medical Conditions relates to Agent Orange, get a good V.A. Service Officer to fill the claim out for you, and make sure you keep a copy for your file. (EC) 5/13/22
A8: There is no time limits for filing a claim for Agent Orange presumption diseases. In fact every time a new disease is diagnosed file a claim for whatever it is. (GR) 5/14/22