Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q484: If a veteran dies from exposure to chemicals, solvents, lubricants, etc., during his service in the Air Force, but never put in a disability claim, can his surviving wife still put in a claim?

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A1: Yes, she can file for (Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) based on the disability that caused the veteran's death. If the veteran dies of something that he was service connected for, or should have been, then she can possibly be eligible for DIC. i.e., the veteran served in Vietnam and died of lung cancer but never filed a claim for it. This would be filed on a VA Form 21-534ez. (DS) 7/28/20
A2: You can check with your local Service Officers at the: American Legion, Amvets, DAV or VFW. (SB) 7/28/20
A3: Yes as long as the cause of death is resulting from one of the designated diseases from chemical exposure. Especially Agent Orange. (JD) 7/28/20
A4: You need to contact an Accredited VSO from the AmLegion, AmVets, DAV, VFW or another Service Organization. Take a copy of his discharge (DD-214), your marriage document and his death certificate. They will advise you of your rights and benefits available. (GH) 7/28/20