Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q522: I’m not service-connected at all, but I have a big problem now thanks to the VA. My primary care physician punctured my eardrum trying to get wax out of my ear. Now I cannot hear a thing out of my left ear. Sounds are muffled at best and it is very annoying. Do I have a case against the VA for compensation?

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A1: Yes you do have a case. You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW, DAV, Am Vets or another Service Organization. Bring all of Medical documentation that supports your claim and a copy of your DD-214. (GH) 9/29/20
A2: You can file what is called an 1151 claim against the VA. This is similar to a civilian Tort claim.
Find a VSO in your area to help you with this process.
If you win, the ear problem is rated for Treatment Purposes Only.
Essentially, they will treat your ear condition for free, for life. (RJ) 9/30/20