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Q505: My social worker is pushing me to go to residential treatment to help with my PTSD. She said I will be rated 100% for two months while in the program, and then my rating will most likely stay at 100%. Why would the VA up my rating from 50% to 100% after I am healed from PTSD? Please explain.

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A1: PTSD is treatable but curable you will be guided or learn to distract yourself from certain scenes that maybe associated with past experiences certain feelings might be surprised but you will learn to deal with them. (AA) 8/25/20
A2: You never heal from PTSD, you learn with God how to let it go. (RL) 8/25/20
A3: I don't know anything about your rating staying at 100%, but I found this information about it going to 100% while in the hospital. It says temporary, which would make more sense. (SB) 8/25/20
A4: First of all never trust a VA rep. to do what is right for you. They try to keep cost down most the time there job comes first not us. I would expect to get the 100 because they tried to take 30 percentage away from me because they say your better. Your never going to be healed from PTSD just learn to live with it. I am afraid to try now to get more even though nurses and some doctors say I should be at 100% but don't have anything to do with handing out the percentages. (CF) 8/25/20
A5: A social worker can NOT tell you your rating will increase, any one that does is misleading you. There is also a risk your rating could be DECREASED. In your case *possibly not, but there is never, ever a guarantee - ever.
As for being "healed" from your PTSD, (and I am in no means a Dr., expert, or any such thing, I'm just a semi-knowledgeable person) ; good for you if you're functioning well in a dysfunctional world! But it has been my experience that PTSD can often rear it's ugly head at inopportune, unexpected times.
If your social worker GENUINELY thinks you could benefit from in resident help, do so. But I STRONGLY suggest that you NOT do it simply for a POSSIBLE rate increase. If that's what you're shooting for, both you AND your "social worker" could be charged/investigated for fraud.
Get the help you need because you NEED it, and deserve it, NOT just to try and get more money. (KD) 8/25/20
A6: You will never be cured of PTSD. THEY HAVE SOME GOOD PROGRAMS Ohio, Montrose and West Virginia. (MW) 8/25/20
A7: There are temporary hikes in percentages. For example, a person is getting 80% but is given 100% for a period of time after a surgery until it has been diagnosed as cured, such as cancer. I am not an expert, but I don't think your PTSD will ever be cured completely. The VA will make the decision, and each case is different. I wish you the best. (RC) 8/25/20
A8: I will only address 2 things you mention. First, nobody but the VA can tell you what your rating will be. Some of us are knowledgeable and can make a good educated guess; but, the only thing that counts is what the VA determines. Second, while you may receive very excellent treatment for those 2 months, I cannot believe you will be "cured." More likely, you will learn to live with it and avoid situations where it affects you. I left Vietnam in 1969. I always thought I was one of the lucky ones who didn't suffer PTSD...until the July 4th fireworks display in 2018 - 49 years later. About 10 minutes into a 30 minute display I was back in Vietnam in fire fights. I put my head near my knees, covered the 1 ear I can hear out of, and tightly closed my eyes. Afterwards I couldn't drive the 10 miles home as I was crying like a baby. My wife had to drive. I will never again go to a fireworks display. So, even though your treatment may well teach you how to cope and you seem to no longer suffer PTSD symptoms, don't believe you are cured. Good luck. (DL) 8/25/20
A9: You do not get HEALED from ptsd. Ask someone at a clinic this question and you may be looking at no rating. Read up on the subject online and you will understand that is not cured. (DS) 8/25/20
A10: You will not be cured from PTSD but you will have a much better understanding on how to deal with it. (MW) 8/25/20
A11: The VA at anytime send you exam, IF thy deem your condition has improved they can reduce your compensation, however PTSD rarely improves. If you are awarded the 100% file for IU your wife and minor children would get healthcare through CHAMPVA. (ML) 8/25/20
A12: 38 CFR 4.29 for hospitalization in excess of 21 days is a good start in reviewing, imo, for the benefit for that. After hospitalization, it will depend on VA determination regarding if a change to rating. The link may be very helpful, but if it doesn't post on this site, one can always look for the CFR wording...,-Part-IV,-Subpart-ii,-Chapter-2,-Section-J---Compensation-Under-38-CFR-4.28,-38-CFR-4.29,-and-38-CFR-4.30-and-Other-Temporary-Total-Evaluations (MC) 8/25/20
A13: Won't happen. (RY) 8/25/20
A14: If you choose to enter in patient therapy for PTSD do it because YOU believe it will help you. Every day that you are there you will be involved in individual or group sessions aimed at helping deal with your war time experiences. Once you have been hospitalized at least 21 days you can apply for temporary 100% rating. After release from the in-patient program you will be reevaluated at some point. Your in-patient r-treatment records and end of course evaluation determine your PTSD rating after completion of hospitalization. Your rating is always based on documented medical evidence/reports of the severity of your disability. (AB) 8/26/20
A15: l don't see how you can be healed from PTSD, that has to be amazing! (DC) 8/28/20
A16: FIRST THINGS FIRST. If you need residential treatment, do it. Forget about the money first and concentrate on your well being.
That being said, your Social Worker is possibly misinformed or she talking out of her hat. Yes, you can be rated at 100% under certain circumstances.
Temporary hospitalization ratings are assigned to veterans who have been hospitalized for over 21 days as a result of a service-connected condition. This rating is also assigned to those who remain under hospital observation for more than 21 days at the expense of the Department of Veterans Affairs. In order to qualify for a temporary hospitalization rating, you must be receiving treatment at a VA medical center or other VA-approved hospital.
Here is what the reg says about your rating AFTER treatment.
38 CFR 4.30 Such total rating will be followed by appropriate evaluations. When the evidence is inadequate to assign an evaluation rating, a physical examination will be scheduled and considered prior to the termination of a 100% rating.
What does that mean? It means they will review your records and possible give you another C&P exam after your treatment in order to determine what percentage to give you for your PTSD.
Once again, your health and well being are more important than any money you may receive.
If you still have questions, feel free to email me. I wish you well. (RJ) 8/31/20