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Q534: I am receiving disability comp. (10%) for tinnitus and hearing loss as of 6/26/2015 (323/SW ....1705). Over the past several months I feel my hearing has been getting significantly worse. How do I go about getting reevaluated?

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A1: In my NOD for diabetes my attorney also included a supplemental claim for an increase from 0% for hearing loss. VA sent me to VES for a hearing exam. I told the examiner that my hearing is getting worse because there are many words I cannot understand anymore. Result of test was yes my hearing has gotten worse but still not bad enough for compensation. I think you have to be almost deaf before any compensation is given. (JC) 10/12/20
A2: Are you getting 10% for Tinnitus and 10% for bilateral hearing loss. If so that is 20%. Tinnitus is not hearing loss. It is hearing related. No combined tinnitus and hearing. You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, Am Vets, VFW or DAV. Take a copy of your VA decision and award letter. They will explain to you your options. If the 10% was for hearing they will file for an increase. Tinnitus will always be 10%. However there are some secondary issues associated with tinnitus and hearing which they will explain to you. (GH) 10/12/20
A3: The maximum rating for tinnitus is 10%. There should be a separate rating for hearing loss. Contact the audiology dept. at the VA and tell them your hearing has gotten worse and you would like a hearing test and maybe hearing aids. (JK) 10/13/20
A4: I have tinnitus at 10% plus I wear hearing aids all courtesy of the VA. Unfortunately tinnitus highest rating is 10%. But if you are having issues and your hearing is getting worse, you need to log into your VA Benefits account and apply for a supplemental disability based on your tinnitus. I'd also go on YouTube with VA Insiders. They have a video series on how you can get 90% based on this alone. Its worth the check. Good luck. (MH) 10/19/20