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Q466: Received a SOC April 15, 2020, denying my disability claim for 3 things. I was given 60 days to respond/appeal the VA decision. I contacted the VA by phone June 1, 2020 requesting a 60 day extension to reply because my VSO office was shut down due to the Coronavirus restrictions in Delaware. I still cannot get an appointment to respond to the SOC. I called the VA again June 29, 2020 to see if my extension was granted and I was told that my case was still open. Got a notice July 6, 2020 that my case was closed June 30, 2020, because, I did not respond to the VA within the 60 day time limit. Spoke to a VA rep July 8, 2020, who put in a request to reopen my case and grant an extension. Is there anything else I can do to get help, the VSO offices in Delaware are still not open?

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A1: Wow... One thing you can always count on is that the VA has no professional respect for a veteran who is uninformed how the process works for what they are asking for. Calling the VA and asking for something doesn't work, You need to file the paperwork/forms for what you are requesting. The VA offices may be closed but the VSO are still reachable by phone to set up a phone appointment. You needed to call your VSO office number and someone would answer if not a VSO to sent you a form or they would fill it out requesting the extension if it was needed at all. Now that your case is closed, you'll have another VA problem trying to get it open if they will at all, You will need the help of a VSO, just call their office. You need to keep in mind that everything has to be done using VA forms for what you are asking of them. Using the phone to contact them would only be for requesting a status of your claim. Just my opinion. (AM) 7/15/20
A2: Since you cannot access your local government Veterans Service office, contact one of your local Veterans Service organization Posts - American legion, DAV, VFW, etc. Their Post Service Officer may be able to meet with you and provide the assistance you need. (DJ) 7/15/20
A3: I would see your Veterans Affairs Office as well write to your congressman of the problems you are having. This virus thing is making it way too easy for the VA to close or cancel claims for not being able to get a VSO office working for them. If that does not work then seeing an attorney may do the job for then the VA will take notice. Best of Luck and hope one of these steps helps you. (JM) 7/15/20
A4: Contact your Congressman he will send you a Congressional letter so that will give him the authority to discuss your case with the V.A. so he will send you letter and you send it back . Tell the V.A. about yourbCongressman handling you should have all resolved in 60 days . Follow up on Congressmsm or his aid who will be helping you. (LH) 7/15/20
A5: Contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, DAV, AmVets, American Legion or another Service Organization and they will assist you with your claim. If you have another organization with your POA (the one who assisted you with your claim) go see them. Never deal directly with the VA. Keep your VSO advised of VA inquiries or letters. The worst mistakes veterans make are filing their own claim, dealing direct with the VA and getting on EBenefits and start adding to their claim or changing something in their claim. And don't shop around for a VSO who tells you what you want to hear. The VSO He/She will tell you what needs to be done to accomplish an (FDC) Fully Developed Claim. And don't listen to Stockade Lawyers on how to do a claim. Use a Veterans Organization. Their charge is nothing it is free. (GH) 7/16/20
A6: You might try getting in touch with the local disabled American veterans office (DAV). Or if your state has a veterans Commission ( in Texas there is the Texas veterans Commission) try them. (AR) 7/17/20