Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q468: I retired in 1997. At that time, they were not doing sleep studies. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea 3 years after retiring. Jump to 2018 and I was diagnosed with PTSD. I was told I've had PTSD from the time I served in El Salvador to the time of Desert Storm/Shield. I applied for sleep apnea as a secondary like I was told by a VA Rep on line. It came back denied. I have put in an appeal to the VA Judges. What more can I do?

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A1: Sleep Apnea is rarely awarded on a secondary basis. (RM) 7/15/20
A2: You must have documentation from a Sleep doctor that explains that your sleep apnea is exasperated or has been caused by your PTSD. You should also get a letter from your PTSD clinician that states that your sleep issues are causing an increase in your PTSD symptoms. These should be presented to the Judge during your appeal. You could bypass the long and drawn out appeals process by filing a SUPPLEMENTAL claim. You would use the same letters to justify your supplemental claim. (RS) 7/15/20
A3: Your first mistake was dealing with the VA directly. Contact an Accredited VSO with the AmVets, AmLegion, DAV, VFW or another Service Organization. If you already have an Accredited VSO contact him an make an appointment. Bring all of your correspondence from the VA. Also your Award Letter and Decision Letter from the VA. An Accredited VSO will advise you on what your options are. Don't listen to Stockade Lawyers on what to do. See a Service Organization the claims process is free. I always introduce the veteran when they file a claim to the "Calusa Triangle" 1. In Service event. "When" Where" "What happened" 2. Current Diagnosis. No diagnosis No Service Connection. 3. NEXUS: (link-cause and effect connection) or Doctors Statement "Is at least likely as not due to military service." (GH) 7/16/20