Those That
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Q538: I heard that the VA is offering free notebooks or laptops just for the asking. Is this true?

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A1: Here's the link that tells you all about it. (JC) 10/17/20
A2: It would be nice,mine is a dinosaur. (MH) 10/17/20
A3: Yes, the VA is offering free computers to qualified veterans. (RN) 10/17/20
A4: Do not know but it sure would help as I have a degree in computer science an along with a new to me computer it would help me an my family for sure. (LD) 10/17/20
A5: No. (FH) 10/17/20
A6: Yes its true. I have an Apple iPad. (PB) 10/17/20
A7: Yes, the VA is offering free Notebooks or laptops just for the asking. (JM) 10/17/20
A8: Yes. (RW) 10/17/20
A9: Highly unlikely. (GT) 10/17/20
A10: I could certainly use a laptop at this time. (PM) 10/17/20
A11: Yes and No. Actually, because of the new VA Video Connect (VVC) program (a.k.a.: TeleHealth program), the VA is offering to loan specifically programmed iPads for qualifying veterans to borrow so they can connect via the net with their VA providers. The VVC program is like Skype or Zoom only more secure and you must have an appointment with your physical or behavioral health provider to access. I've been using VVC for a while now and, other than the fact that I'd rather meet face-to-face with my providers it seems to be working well. (NOTE: Some VISNs might offer laptops as well but in the midwest they do not.) (TB) 10/17/20
A12: Yes. (WA) 10/17/20
A13: Yes, it is true. The Organization is called PC for Vets. They can be reached at 952-451-0975. (CD) 10/17/20
A14: Yes if you are actually in need of a laptop. Meaning that you do not have access to a desktop or laptop. Yes you can ask. Go through the VA or local American legion and ask for help. (JR) 10/17/20
A15: Hope it's true. (DS) 10/17/20
A16: Yes. (RG) 10/17/20
A17: Most Likely NO???? (FS) 10/17/20
A18: I doubt it. (MA) 10/17/20
A19: Several months a go they loaned me a notebook or a online VA class, but I had to return it when class was done. So I wouldn't beleive unless they announce on their VA News site. (WM) 10/17/20
A20: Yes. (BA) 10/18/20
A21: I heard they are giving a new IPAD. (RS) 10/18/20
A22: I didn't hear that. (VD) 10/18/20
A23: I don't believe it's true. (LJ) 10/19/20
A24: True. (SG) 10/20/20
A25: I just got one a week ago. I sent a request to my PCP and told them that it would be easier to use an iPad since I struggle getting around due to loss of both feet. Took about 2 weeks. Good luck. (SW) 12/2/20