Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q541: I recently had to go to my local Community Hospital because my caretaker felt it was an emergency. Upon getting to ER the attending Dr. admitted me & since he knew I was a Vet, w/Choice program said he would be my PC. This happened during beginning of Covid-19 and VA had cancelled all my scheduled appointments until further notice so I went to that Dr. I went home after about a week, had a hematoma operation while in hospital, was home 1 night & got extremely tired and weak. My caretaker took me back w/102 temp only to find out my gall bladder was inflamed & had to come out. Now I am receiving bills from the doctors & hospital for lots of things the VA is not paying for! What can I do? I am a 100% disabled veteran and live solely on disability. I have never had private insurance because I am 100% Service connected! Can I get help from the V.A. with these bills?

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A1: Take the bills to your local VA representative to see if they will pay. If not, since you only have your disability income, go to the hospital and apply for emergency Medicaid. Let those sending bills that you are applying w/ A copy of the letter with the case number. You will still get bills, should stop from going to collections. (LW) 10/18/20
A2: Call 1-877-881-7618. (JF) 10/18/20
A3: You have 72 hours after being admitted to notified VA you're in a civilian hospital. If they want you to change they will move you. (MH) 10/18/20
A4: I would have the ER and hospital to submit those bills to the local VA business office. The VA medical billing phone number is 866-258-2772. (GR) 10/18/20
A5: I am sorry to hear of your situation. You will need to take your bills to the local VA billing office and have them help you with this situation. If you receive no help, you should go to the director of the facility's office and hold your breath until you turn blue. Eventually, you can get this resolved. (RJ) 10/18/20
A6: Yes you can get reimbursed at the very least, start at ebenefits, print out a form, mail it in and also copy bills and upload them on (BB) 10/20/20
A7: In addition to what else has been suggested, I'd recommend that you contact the patient advocate at your VAMC to discuss this face-to-face if possible. The best way to contact your VAMC patient advocate is through secure messaging using MyHealteVet and cutting and pasting your post from here directly to your secure message. The best thing about using secure messaging is that your request will be a permanent part of your CPRS and must be answered in 48 hours or less. NOTE: If you're not already on MyHealtheVet do so immediately. Secure message leaves a paper trail while a phone call does not. Good luck. (TB) 10/20/20
A8: Yes, the VA will pay. I had a situation like this. The VA did not pay in a timely manner and I copied the bill and sent it to my Congressman who had the VA pay the bill and apologize to me for not handling the payment in less time. (LB) 10/20/20
A9: : You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, Am Vets, VFW , DAV or another Veterans Service Organization. They can advise and assist you in the most expeditious manner. There was a Judge's ruling regarding ER visits. An accredited VSO will put you on the right path. Also the VSO who has your POA should be able to assist you also. If not you need another VSO. This is something (your situation) is easily handled by an Accredited VSO. Remember always use an Accredited VSO they are as close as your telephone. (GH) 10/21/20
A10: Get to a good vet service officer, VFW, Legion ect. Dont have to belong to them but they will still help or refer you properly. Do it ASAP. (TL) 10/30/20