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Q507: My VA primary care doc does not like me, and I don’t like her. Any way I can switch primary care doc?

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A1: The VA has a form to request a change but it may only relate to facilities. I did it because they opened a clinic much closer to my residence and they approved it but I had to submit an explanation why. The VA's website does state if you want a different primary care doctor, talk to your health care team leader. (DG) 8/25/20
A2: I know you can request a new Primary but I am also aware you need to have been with the current one for at least one year. I just did this from a VA Clinic to the VAMC. I recommend you stay away from VA Clinics because most of the Providers are contractors with egos and reluctant to fulfill all the health request you would ask for, where the VAMC will. (AM) 8/25/20
A3: You can get a change of provider form from your nearest VA hospital. Fill it out and take it to your local clinic where your provider is based. It took me a few months but they assigned me to a new provider. (JH) 8/25/20
A4: Yes there is. First file a complaint with the Patient Advocate at the VA center you go to giving the facts you have and that you do not feel you are getting the treatment you deserve. I had a pretend doctor, Nurse Practitioner, as my primary who told me to do something and then lied about it. The VAMC was unwilling to do something. The head doctor was real anxious to talk to me after I made it a Congressional and he reassigned me to another Primary after I talked to him. The point is, never take the original answer from the VA. Your US Representative or Senator will definitely get their attention. (JB) 8/25/20
A5: Normally the VA will insist you keep your assigned primary care Dr. for 1 year. IF after that time you just don't feel comfortable, and it's not working for you, you can go to your patient advocate (located in the VA center that you use) and request to be switched to another Dr. (KD) 8/25/20
A6: Yes there is, contact your veteran advocate. He or she will help. Good luck and don't give up, you earned it. (EA) 8/25/20
A7: Yes you could it's your right. If you think your not getting the right patient quality assurance you can complain to the Patient Advocate of that VA hospital facility and if you don't get any result you can complain to the Inspector General of the VA. Just google the address. (RR) 8/25/20
A8: Yes, you should be able to go to patient advocate and request a new doctor. Just tell them that you don't agree with your doctor and you want another doctor. It's your choice. (RE) 8/25/20
A9: Did you try talking to the Patient Advocate at the clinic? Bring documentation, (reasons) if you have any to show what you mean. And if you have these feeling the VA should help find someone else for you. Just a suggestion. Wish you well. Thank you for your service. (DE) 8/25/20
A10: Just go to the Patient Advocate at your VA Medical center and put in a formal request. It's almost automatic that you will get a new Doc that you can be happy with. You owe it to yourself to act on this. Best wishes. (LW) 8/25/20
A11: Yes just make the request at the check in desk or ask your VSO if you have problems. (BF) 8/26/20