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Q478: Just bought a home and live in Washington State and wonder at age of 71, am I eligible for a property tax rate reduction because of my age and/or because of my service connected disability of 90 percent service-connected with 10 percent unemployability?

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A1: Yes, you are eligible. You need to go to to the veterans benifits office at the VA. They will furnish you a letter stating your disability persentage (should be higher than 50%). Then take that letter to where you pay your property taxes. Simple. (EA) 7/25/20
A2: It is doubtful that Washington State gives a significant property tax reduction to disabled vets. you probably qualify for an Old Age exemption that you need to look into. (RI) 7/25/20
A3: It can't hurt to ask... contact your local tax office
Washington Veterans Financial Benefits
Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption
Veterans with a 100% service-connected disability or over the age of 61 and an income of less than $40,000 (not including VA disability payment) may be exempt from paying property tax on their home. Surviving spouses may also qualify.
Free License Plates for Disabled Veterans
Veterans who have been receiving 100%t VA disability for at least one year can receive a free disabled veteran vehicle license plate. (AJ) 7/25/20
A4: I'm in Missouri and we get a break in our PP tax........the tax preparer has the paper work and they fill it least thats they way it works here! (DE) 7/25/20
A5: No, you are not eligible because you are not 100% disabled for property tax. (SB) 7/25/20
A6: You should 100% off of property taxes. I do here in Texas, however, check with your state. (MH) 7/25/20
A7: I don't remember what the wait time is in this situation. However, I would talk to your VA primary care person and ask if you can use the Community Care program. After all the VA canceled you out. I'd do this asap. These are just suggestions. Hope all goes well. Thank you for your Service. (DE) 7/25/20
A8: Washington A disabled veteran in Washington may receive a property tax exemption on his/her primary residence if the veteran is 100 percent disabled as a result of service. The exemption amount is based on income, as determined by the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans with less than a 100 percent disability rating may receive a partial exemption. (LG) 7/25/20
A9: All seniors are eligible for reduced property tax in WA. There's a form that you fill out and submit to receive reduced tax rate. You must renew annually. Here's the link: (LK) 7/25/20
A10: You need to check with the assor office, in MO there is a income cap if you fall into that cap you can get it. Good luck. (ML) 7/25/20
A11: The simple answer is call the State of Washington Dept of Veterans Affairs. All states have different rules. Or call you Service Officer who handled your case in Washington. (GH) 7/25/20
A12: : A disabled veteran in Washington may receive a property tax exemption on his/her primary residence if the veteran is 100 percent disabled as a result of service. The exemption amount is based on income, as determined by the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs. Veterans with less than a 100 percent disability rating may receive a partial exemption. (DT) 7/25/20
A13: I do not know about Washington but in Florida 90% being paid at 100% I no longer pay property taxes and vehicle registration is Disabled Veteran tag for parking in handicap area which registration fee is $4.50. (WH) 7/26/20