Those That
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Q516: I served in Vietnam 1968 – 1970 and I came across many horrible things that weren’t recorded in my military records. I have nightmares about the things I saw and the things I did. I’m not proud of any of it. Like beating up Vietnamese families and killing their livestock. I hate to admit it now, but I even killed a kid over there. I have bad PTSD now, but the VA has denied my claim twice. They say there is no evidence in my C-file. My VSO directed me to get buddy statements, but I have no clue as to where the guys are I served with. What can I do to prove my case without having evidence?

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A1: One way to find the guys you served with is, if you have copies of your orders, promotions, etc. at the time of the occurrence, at that time the military was using social security numbers on the orders. A social security number search should give you locations, etc. of some of your buddies. I have copies of some of my old orders, and have located a couple of the guys I served with through an SS search. I served in Lai Khe, Vietnam in '69-'70. Hope this helps. PS) 9/13/20
A2: I have found that it helps to start your paper trail. Go to your local VA hospital and start some counseling/therapy. From there, they can help your case by documenting how everything is affecting you. It really helped with my claim. Good luck brother.
Forgot to add that you should start, if you have not already, keeping a disability journal. You can also get a spouse, relative, or friends to write statements for you. Talking with a VSO will help alot. (JF) 9/13/20
A3: Sorry to hear this. Try going on FaceBook and searching for the name of the unit you were in when in Vietnam during that time. You might find that there is a group out there, where you can ask about the guys and then you might be able to connect with them. (JL) 9/13/20
A4: Get a private diagnoses for PTSD from a Psychologist, or Psychiatrist then refile. (DH) 9/13/20
A5: Your VSO can get the names of people you served with. The VA has that information from the unit you were with. They can get it,if not get a lawyer. (MH) 9/13/20
A6: You didn't mention if you had written a stressor letter. They can be difficult to write as they may bring back memories you have not remembered. It took me over a month to write mine and I worked on it every day. Not because it was long but some of the things would break me down mentally and physically. Try to be specific about where and when the events occurred. You may not remember now but when you start taking your inventory you will be amazed at what is stored in your mind. The incidents should be noted in company logs and they are available. Check military groups online and find organizations with your unit. Ask if anyone served in the ao you were and private chat with them. Your MOS may have been an issue with whoever reviewed your file. Good luck and don't give up getting that stuff written down..It will be one of the hardest things you ever did but it can also bring closure to many things. (RM) 9/13/20
A7: If you can't start at the bottom then by all means start at the top. Go get treatment and/or show VA your treatment records. No one can deny your word and your truth except you. Be well. (EC) 9/14/20
A8: You need proof like how many relationships went south marriages ending in divorce how you got along with family reactions how death of friends and familt affected you. Are you enrolled with VA for mental health ? If not do it make all appts. Get a VSO to help. (FJ) 9/14/20