Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q22: I have been unemployable since February 2007, and was given Total and Permanent on June 8, 2008. When will my wife actually be eligible for continuance of my benefits? How much would she get? This is very important to me as I have cancer, and want to make sure she is taken care of as much as possible.

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Your benefits cease when you die. If you have been T&P for 10 years then your wife will quality for DOC. That is roughly 1300 per month. (AP) 2/20/18
A2: She won't get your benefits but she will get ap $1250.00 per month add $250.00 pm depending on rank and how long you are rated 100% -10 yrs or if you die with service connected disease. (LM) 2/20/18
A3: Upon your death, your wife will be eligible to file for the DIC program. She will draw approximately $150 tax free. She will also be eligible to use the CHAMPVA medical insurance program. I suggest she speak with a certified state or county veteran service officer to assist her with these applications. (RJ) 2/26/18
A4: Your wife is only potentially eligible if you die of a service connected condition. If you are service connected for your cancer and that is the cause of your death only then can she receive DIC. When this happens she should go to a VSO like the DAV for help. (TC) 3/3/18