Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q593: I want to know why I am not considered a veteran? I have honorable discharge papers from the National Guard. I know I did not leave country but was on active stand by from 1960 to 1968. Other than sickness at home I was ready to go.

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A1: Were you EVER on active duty??? A veteran is an individual who served and the Individuals I served with who were reservists were considered vets. (EO) 12/2/20
A2: I believe now you are considered a Veteran, as I have gotten VA benefits for National Guards members. I would go to the local VA hospital and go to the enrollment office with your DD form 214. (GR) 12/2/20
A3: You should be address as "ERA Vietnam Vet". I am a Vietnam vet (In country) and "desert Storm ERA Vet, as I was in the guard also, but not In Country) Hope that helps. (DR) 12/2/20
A4: I think you're a vet, though the National Guard is NOT active duty US military as it is a state organization who is deployed by the governor of the state in which you reside. (LM) 12/2/20
A5: You must have been sent for basic and advanced active duty training when you joined the Army in 1960. If you have a copy of your DD214 showing that period of service that qualifies as active duty and makes you a veteran if it shows an honorable discharge. That makes you eligible to apply for VA benefits and get a VA medical card if you want to. If you want to apply for VA disability benefits you have to prove you were injured and what your disability or disabilities are while you were on active duty or on an active weekend drill with your Army National Guard unit. (KG) 12/2/20
A6: Take your DD-214 from your 6 months training to an Accredited VSO with the Am Legion, VFW, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. A VSO can assist you in filing a claim regarding your service during IDT, ADT or AT. You could have suffered hearing loss, tinnitus or some other event that could be compensated. Also take your DD-214 and join the American Legion as you are now eligible. (GH) 12/2/20
A7: For Federal purposes, I believe you have to serve at least 6 months acgive duty, not counting any basic training time. For state purposes, it varies state to stater how they figure it out. (WM) 12/4/20