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Q587: I am 100% service connected and a diabetic. My non-VA doctor prescribed diabetic medicine that VA hospital does not have so I have to pay over $200.00 per month for the medicine. Is the VA obligated to furnish the medicine to me?

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A1: If the VA can not provide a service that is service connected or medicine you can apply for outsourced care via what used to be called TriWest but have changed their name this year. This also goes for any service the VA can not provide within 30 days, you can ask for care in the community. The new rule was passed a year or so ago. Check with your VA rep for additional help. (TM) 11/30/20
A2: I'm 100% T&P I have a none VA heart doctor that gave me 3 scrips. I took the 3 scrips to my VA doctor. He approved the scrips. You should be able to do the same thing. (JP) 11/30/20
A3: In my case, each time a non-VA dotor has prescribed a Rx that is not carried in the VA formulary I have had success in the past by having the non-VA doctor submit the Rx to the VA along with a letter substanbtiating the reason for the Rx. (SA) 11/30/20
A4: I had the same problem. I then had VA prescribe their medicine and made the switch - saved me a bunch of money and works just as well with no co-pay. (PD) 11/30/20
A5: Your best bet is to go through express scripts much cheaper meds for you. You also can download the app Good RX which is sometimes even cheaper than express scripts. On your question is the VA obligated the answer is they have to provide you the Medication they think is best for you I do the same thing here my doc want me to take X-med and V don't have it so I have them send it to express scripts. (JW) 11/30/20
A6: If you are seeing someone on the outside and they prescribe a medication, you should bring the Prescription to the VA Pharmacy and they will fill it and it should be at no copay especially if the medication is for a service connected condition. (CG) 11/30/20
A7: I am in a similar situation. The VA does not dispense insulin in pens but they will do so in vials. I chose not to get my insulin from the VA so like you I pay a lot for the meds. Medicare Part D helps if you are 65+. It depends on which meds you need. You can ask the VA for their formulary to see which they will cover. (TM) 11/30/20
A8: Take the prescription to the VA to your primary care physician and see if the VA has another medication that would work as good. If not use your Choice program for it. (GR) 12/1/20