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Q589: Am I able to draw Army retirement pay, 100% VA disability pay and also Social Security disability? I retired in 2011 and haven’t worked at all and have no social security earnings since 2011. If I can draw all 3 together is it too late to try to get Social Security Disability since I have no earnings since 2011?

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A1: Technically, yes, you can. You should apply for SSDI. They will want the date your disability began and will have you examined by a physician. They may use the date you state, depending on whether they can establish that same date. I don't understand why they stopped your SS?? (RH) 12/1/20
A2: I recommend you NOT apply for social security because it is ALWAYS lower than SSI but they will not ever tell you that!!!!! You can't receive both SSI and social security. Keep what you have is my recommendation. (RJ) 12/1/20
A3: Yes, You can, if you can provide records that you have paid into the social security requirements. They have them on file at SSA office. Make a appointment or go to SSA office and do a walk in. Take your disability Rating letter to show proof of Military disability and Proof you have not worked for 6 months. It takes 6 months of no working income to be eligible. Your income tax files should be proof of no working income. (WG) 12/1/20
A4: Yes yo u can. Actually, if you have 20 quarters of earnings prior to 2011 you should be able to draw SSDI along with the rest of your income. My suggestion is to establish an account at SSA and find out if you qualify. Then, if you have the quarters and qualify, file through your ADRC or HHS departments. The process should start online at SSA though. FYI, don't for to include your VA letter for 100% P&T with your SSDI package because, with the new law from a few years ago, the SSA is required to expedite your claim. Good Luck. (TB) 12/1/20
A5: If you have no SS earnings since 2011 I don't think you are eligible for SS Disability. (FB) 12/1/20
A6: Yes, you should be able to draw all three. I did starting in 1999.
May depend on your age. (WM) 12/1/20
A7: You have to show earnings in the last five years. (CO) 12/1/20
A8: Yes, you can draw all three and if you are not pass full retirement age you can file for SSI plus you can file for CRSC through the branch of service you retired from. (GR) 12/1/20
A9: you need to apply for social security . They will take you best incomes for a 35 year span and figure your payment on that. Be aware that it will take 2 years to get approved. They will deny you after a year and you appeal, with a lawyer and at end of second year almost o the day , they will approve it, You can apply on line at as for retirement pay that is a no. since you are at 100% you will not get retirement pay they will give you the greater of the two , which is the disibility. Hope this helps. (CG) 12/1/20