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Q628: I feel like I have been getting the run around! Went to our local Home Depot store to see about a Veterans/Military discount. Was told that I could only apply online. I have been trying to find online application, but have been moved from site to site. Also, called the 800 customer service number, and no one answered. So, please help me. What do I need to show or prove at the store to obtain my veterans discount? Why is this so hard to find out at Home Depot stores and online? Please respond. Thank you!

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A1: I went through the same thing and when I finally did apply I was told I only get the discount on holidays. So I go to Lowes the discount is good anytime I get 10%. (RL) 1/1/21
A2: Go to Lowe's, Home Depot is the worst for veterans support! (BD) 1/1/21
A3: I went to my Home Depot, they told me discount is not good on SALE items. I go to LOWE'S AND NEVER ANY PROBLEMS. (FD) 1/1/21
A4: Home Depot does not have a registration website like Lowe's does. Home Depot does not apply military discounts to most of their products (building materials), they will give you a discount for soda, candy , etc. I quit shopping Home Depot for that very reason. Lowe's military discount applies to every item in the store. (BM) 1/1/21
A5: Go to Loews they know how to treat Vets! (AS) 1/1/21
A6: My drivers license (PA) has a flag and the word "veteran" on it. All I do is show that and I've gotten the discount in every store so far in PA, NY and FL. (JD) 1/1/21
A7: Obtain a veterans identification card from your veterans post. In PA we have a veterans seal right on our drivers license. (VS) 1/1/21
A8: Go to Lowe's instead...(MO) 1/1/21
A9: Greetings and Happy New Year! When I go to Home Depot I just show my Retired Military ID and they give a 10% discount. However, HD has no discount for online purchases like Lowes does.
If you have a Lowes somewhat close to you, I would suggest to go to and register. It's easy, create an account, upload a copy of your Mil ID or DD214, and you're G2G...(GJ) 1/1/21
A10: I show my VA card with the disability logo. Veterans get a 10% discount only on Veterans Day and Memorial Day. Disabled vets get the discount year round. I have found the same policy at Lowe's and at the Lowe's and The Home Depot throughout the US. Hope this helps. (FB) 1/1/21
A11: All I do is ask if they have a military discount and show them my VA Veterans card. I've never had to fill out any application. Same thing for Lowe's which is a better store, anyway. (RB) 1/1/21
A12: Shop lowes. Our lowes in North Carolina even has two parking spots in front just for Vets. (GS) 1/1/21
A13: Where l live all Home Depot requires is my VA card. Lowes has my phone number/veteran status logged in so when l check out l just inform them l'm a veteran logged in there system. (DW) 1/1/21
A14: Same problem here. I go to Lowe's instead and they are always happy to accept my vets discount. (TT) 1/1/21
A15: Had same problem, But never have a problem with Lowe's. I will never buy from home depot stores. (RG) 1/1/21
A16: Forget Home Depot. Always a Hassel there. Lowes will treat you right. Never had an issue getting military discount at Lowes. (JW) 1/1/21
A17: Go to Lowes and sign up as a Veteran, they offer a Veterans Discount every day. Home Depot has always been a pain in the a-- about veterans discounts, I believe it's only offered on Veterans Day. Cheap, but their CEO makes a fortune. (RR) 1/1/21
A18: With Home Depot, you will need to have a VA card and be serviced connected, ie, a disability. At least this is the way it was with me. Good luck with HD, as Lowes is much easier. Provide a DD214 and join "My Lowes", and all you need to do when getting a purchase is swipe the card and you discount is there. With HD, you will have to show your VA card every time and they will look for the "Service connected" on the card. Hope this helps. May be different today, as my experience was about 5 tears ago. (LC) 1/1/21
A19: I never registered for a Veterans discount at Home Depot, I just show my DOD card and usually get the discount on most items. They do have certain items that don't get a discount. Lowes gives a discount on everything that is at regular price. If it is on sale at 10% off then that is all you get. I shop both stores but prefer Lowes. You do have to register online with them and have a Lowes member card which you show at check out before paying and you Veterans status is coded on that. (CR) 1/1/21
A20: You have to show your VA ID with a service connected disability at checkout. There is no application, online or otherwise. Lowes requires you to apply and after your application is accepted use your telephone number when checking out. (FO) 1/1/21
A21: What's the emphasis for a discount? I served and nobody on Main Street owes me a dime. Home Depot is a private business who serves their stockholders. Shop around. Instead of writing letters of complaint, handouts are avail in other places. (MC) 1/1/21
A22: Hi, I'm a veteran also and I just have to show my military ID to get the 10% off any purchase at Home Depot, unless they changed things that I haven't heard of. I know that Lowes requires that you sign up online with being able to get the Veteran 10 % discount and with just giving them your Ph# when checking out. I hope this helps! (JP) 1/1/21
A23: Home Depot only gives 10% discount only on the four veteran holidays by showing a DD214 or VA card , Military ID! The exception is, if you are 100% and have a DOD ID you can get discount every day! It really isn't fair to do it this way in my opinion! However Lowe's offers every day and online, here is how to sign up: Active duty service members, reservists, veterans, and their families can claim a 10% Lowe's military discount on Military customers must create an online Lowes account and verify their eligibility using an online form to claim this offer. (AL) 1/1/21
A24: When I received my 100% unemployable rating I went to the local Army reserve base and applied for my military ID card. With that card you can also shop at any military base PX/BX. Lowes also offers 10% discounts . (JD) 1/1/21
A25: All I've ever had to do is show my VA Card at checkout...that's it. Clerk says thank you and gives me 10% off. (BO) 1/1/21
A26: You just have to show your VA Health care card. I've been told it has to show "service connected" to get the discount. I'm not sure about that requirement. (GT) 1/1/21
A27: I just show my military DAV ID or a copy of my DD214 or discharge Certificate. (here in SC) (GM) 1/1/21
A28: Not a problem in my city. Only thing I don't like about it is you cannot get the 10% discount on online purchases. Complaints sound like advertisement for Lowe's. (JH) 1/1/21
A29: All I had to do was show my VA card it was quick and easy. Some times they ask to see it again at checkout. Hope that helped. (ML) 1/1/21
A30: One word fix, "Lowes". (MM) 1/1/21
A31: I have experienced the same thing at Home Depot. I said the hell with them and now give our business to Lowe's! (TD) 1/1/21
A32: At my Home Depot I have never had a problem. I let the clerk know I have a Military discount and show my ID card. (DB) 1/1/21
A33: Never could get ANY discounts at Home Depot. Now I go to Lowes. No problem. 10% off on everything, every day. Also they have a couple of parking spots close to front door for Vets. Sprinkler heads are cheaper there also. (AF) 1/1/21
A34: Quit shopping Home Depot & go to LOWE'S. (LB) 1/1/21
A35: Use this link to apply for your Home Depot Military Discount: Good Luck! (CG) 1/1/21
A36: Stop wasting your time - go to Lowe's. (KM) 1/1/21
A37: I had to speak to a supervisor and then manager and had them to assist me in signing up on my phone. This was 2 years ago. I still had some resistance to getting my discount, so I went to Lowes and signed up and I now get my discount with no problem! I was able to do this because there was a Lowe's store very close to my location.
Hope this helps. (JPF) 1/1/21
A38: I don't know why you are having a hard time with Home Depot. I went to the store and register with the cashier my tax exempt and show my military ID card for any and all item and get the discount. Home Depot and Lowes both give military discount here in the state of Oklahoma. Try going on line to see what retailer or stores that give military discount to veteran. All I do is show the cashier in Home depot and Lowes my military ID card and get the discount on any item and sale items also. Ask for the store manager to see what is their store policy is for veteran discount. Hope this help God Bless. (CT) 1/1/21
A39: Most states put veterans designated symbols on drivers license, I've got a dog vet card I use at home depot and at Lowes. (WP) 1/1/21
A40: I applied at store. By the way there is a $50 max on discount for veterans. It's 10% and not on everything. Like or pick piping or any other commodity item. So believe me you ain't missing much. (AP) 1/1/21
A41: All u need is a Veterans I D . Been getting it for years . Lowe's you fill out on line and then all they do is ask your phone number in check out. (SG) 1/1/21
A42: Was told by customer service at home depot that I had to go to dept of motor vechiles and request that they issue new license with a V on license to show that I was a veteran. I did this ,but you need a copy of your dd214 for proof, you keep the copy of dd214. Then when you make a purchase at home depot you have to tell the cashier that you want the veteran discount BEFORE they ring anything up. Just show them your drivers license. No problem. (WM) 1/1/21
A43: Show the cashier your military ID card. They can put the info down in their computer. With your phone number being one of the things asked, they can enter your phone number Everytime you make a purchase and you not need to keep pulling out your I'd card. (EA) 1/1/21
A44: I had exactly the same problem. Finally, someone told me to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles with my DD214 and get a new license that depicts I am a Veteran. I did that and now showing my driver's license is all I need for anyone giving a Veteran's discount. (BS) 1/1/21
A45: You must be disabled and show your card. lowes let you sign up on line. (RM) 1/2/21
A46: I have never had a problem with Home Depot, just show my Veteran's ID, card and I have my 10% discount which here in Arizona pays the sales tax. If your VA ID card has "Service Connected" you can get an I D Card for Military Bases and shop at the bx and commissary and use that at Home Depot. (GR) 1/2/21
A47: I have lived in San Diego, CA for 30 years and have since moved to Northeast PA. I m a retired US NAVY veteran and never had a problem getting my discount at Home Depot. I only needed to show my Military ID card while on active duty and now my Retired military ID card. My wife gets a discount showing her Military Dependent ID card. You don't say where you are having this issue, but it is apparently not nation-wide. (GC) 1/2/21
A48: When I go to my local Home Depot and make a purchase, I let the Cashier know that I'm a Veteran with proof of my retired military card. I didn't have to apply on line. (RC) 1/4/21
A49: Are you talking about Home Depot or Lowes? I use my VA Hospital Card ID at Home Depot and they accept it.
Lowe's is the one that wants you to "Go On Line" and register. If that is who your are really talking about, it is easy to do on the
Lowe's website. Actually, I like it better....(CS) 1/10/21