Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q560: 2020 hasn’t been good year for me or anyone else. First I was off several weeks because of COVID and now I fell off room cleaning gutters and broke my shoulder and ribs. My question is there any programs that I can apply for to help pay my bills? I’m 70% disabled from service/war. I’m not asking for any hand-outs, just asking for a little help. Thanks for your time.

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A1: Actually there are quite a few places you can go to ask for assistance. My first suggestion is to go to this website and ask for assistance: Additionally, the DAV is always looking to help as well as the Gary Sinise Foundation at: Remember, there are organizations like the ones I've mentioned that are willing to assist, all you need to do is ask. Please feel free to contact me directly should you have further questions. Good Luck. (TB) 11/3/20
A2: Have you considered filing a VA claim for Individual Unemployability? You would be telling the VA you are unable to work because of your disabilities. If they agree, they will pay you at the 100% rate, even if you are only 70%. (RJ) 11/3/20
A3: You have to find a good Veteran Advocate, either at your local V. A. hospital, or go to your American Legion, which normally has help. Another place you can try is your local Office of the Aging and again ask to speak to a vet Advocate. (EM) 11/3/20
A4: Contact any Veterans Service Organization in your area and ask to speak to their VSO. They can assist you in getting assistance from local organizations that assist with housing costs, food, clothing and transportation costs. Always first go to the Veterans Service Organization that you belong to or should belong to for assistance. Also contact the VSO who has your POA and have him/her relook your claim to see if their is a possibility of an increase on your compensation. Also many states Department of Veterans Affairs have Financial Assistance available during times of disasters. Also the State Headquarters of Veterans Service organizations have financial aid available during times of crisis. The Salvation Army, local Churches and Civic Organizations are also good for assistance to veterans. (GH) 11/4/20
A4: Find your county Veterans Commission. They can help with emergency assistance. It's only Food, rent, utilities.
But that will help you pay the other bills. (JP) 12/11/21