Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q543: I am disabled 100% for PTSD, 60% ischemic heart disease, 30% atrial fibrillation and 10% tinnitus. I am also granted SMC S (special monthly compensation S). I am 73 years old with an appeal to a law Judge, on the Docket. 135,000 cases are ahead of me. Do I qualify to be advanced on the Docket? Also, Do I qualify for aid and attendance benefits for my wife helping
me since I have SMC S?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: I hit the submit button to quick. I would ask for a virtual hearing as that is a lot faster then the legacy appeal process. Have your doctor fill out the aid and attendance form submit that to the V.A. in Janesville Wis. (GR) 10/18/20
A2: I can't speak to your Appeal, but given your age and health issues, you probably do qualify for Aid & Attendance . Contact your Veterans Service Officer for help with the application. (DJ) 10/18/20
A3: Why do you have an appeal in when you are already rated 100%?
I tell my veterans to be VERY careful after you are rated. There is always a possibility that the VA will review your records and then determine that you have improved. Then they may possibly recommend that your rating be lowered.
The rules to have your claim expedited are very strict and veterans must be eligible either by significant financial hardship, homelessness, terminal illness, or advanced age (85+). Concerning the Caregiver question. You should visit the following URL. (RJ) 10/19/20
A4: First of all you need to contact the Service Officer who has your POA. If he is not Accredited I suggest you contact one with the VFW, DAV, Am Legion, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take with you your correspondence from the VA so he can familiarize with your case. If you have a case on Appeal and the POA is not with his/her service organization he can only advise you. However, you can go to your State's Dept of Veterans Affairs and they can assist you if you have an Appeal pending. But you can get good advice regarding A&A and SMCs from any Accredited VSO. (GH) 10/21/20