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Q590: I am currently getting 20% for my hearing. My wife tells me it has gotten worse in the last few years. Can I get a bigger percentage and how do I go about getting a higher percentage? I wear hearing aids and I still have a hard time hearing people next to me.

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A1: You may. However, it is really tough getting an increase for hearing. My suggestion is to get an appointment with your VA hearing folks and get reevaluated. If your hearing has gotten worse as you've indicated then perhaps an adjustment is required on your hearing aids or new ones need to be ordered. If you want the VBA to consider you for additional compensation, you'll need to file another claim for a worsening condition; which you can file online at Good Luck. (TB) 12/1/20
A2: well they only give 10% I was told, that is what I have and I need 2 hearing aids. So better be careful sometimes you ask for more they try to take some away they did me anyway. I had to get counselor to help for a hearing to protest and at the last minute they decided not to change my percentage. But that was my situation not sure if they will do the same to you. You need to get some help with a counselor or get more help from others in here. I am afraid to ask for more and I am told by all the nurses and doctors I work with I should be getting 100 percent but I am not. (CF) 12/1/20
A3: You can file a claim for increase on VA Form 21-526b but I would include private medical evidence that your hearing has worsened. Go to a private doctor and get a hearing test, or if your VA clinic or hospital is open ask for an appointment to have your hearing checked. Medical results from a private hearing specialist will probably be faster. Submit a VA Form 21-4138 with your claim stating you have hearing aids and if you got them from the VA tell them that this evidence is in your VA medical records. I would suggest that you use a VSO representative like DAV or VFW or other veterans organization to represent you in filing your claim for increase. Good luck. (KG) 12/1/20
A4: Fill out a 21-526ez and say upgrade bilateral hearing loss on page 9 of the form. (GR) 12/1/20
A5: I would suggest you make an appointment for a hearing test at the VA clinic. Get it documented for your file. You may even want to have a hearing test done outside the VA. That you may have to pay for out of pocket. If you do that make sure you get the records to show the results. Then make an appointment with your CVSO and discuss whether or not to file a claim with the VA. Your CVSO should be able to advise you. Stay safe and I hope it goes well for you. (DE) 12/1/20
A6: I don't know how you're receiving 20% for hearing impairment when the standard is 10%, even if both ears are damaged. (CG) 12/2/20