Those That
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Q608: I am 100% rated. I am 82 and I have nubs for teeth. VA dental is too far to drive. Some time ago I read the VA was starting a trial program using local civilian dentists to provide dental care. Is there such a program I can use?

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A1: This organization will help you! (RC) 12/18/20
A2: Sir, VA can authorize civilian dentists. You should talk to your local VSO or DAV representative to assist you in getting started. They have the knowledge and can help. I wish you well. Merry Christmas. (RC) 12/18/20
A3: Call your local VA/Regional office and ask for an appointment using your specific question. Yes, there is a program for non VA care. The VA should grant you an appointment that is suitable for you to get to. (RA) 12/18/20
A4: What you can do is call the VA Dental Clinic and ask for a referral to a Dentist in your area. Thar is what I did and got a Dentist 5 minute drive from my home. Try it. (GR) 12/18/20
A5: YES! Call the dental clinic at your closest VA Medical Center. Tell them you are over 40 miles away and need Emergency dental care. They have established a network of Civilian Doctors. They will call, make an appointment and send you a form the Dentist has to complete and return. The work should be schedule rather quickly. You should also ask if this can become your regular dentist and they will set you up with preventive care. I have a crown, a bridge and a cleaning since the program started. (WC) 12/18/20
A6: If you are 100% SC, then make an appointment with the VA clinic. If they do not show you as 100%, then you will have to talk to Eligibility at the VA hospital to code you so it will show when the dental folks look at your record. If they cannot treat you in a reasonable amount of time, then they can refer you to a civilian dentist. Be patient, though, Community Care can take a little while to get you referred. You will have to take the bull by the horns and make the appt and hold their feet to the fire until you get treated. (DS) 12/18/20