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Q545: How many times can I have a disability re-evaluated? I’ve had 3 C & P exams so far on my back. Each time I get a higher rating.

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A1: As many times as the VA wants. Normally, reevaluation is only accomplished when you request it through a claim or if you're not 100% P&T and are required a periodic reevaluation via the VAs schedule. (TB) 10/20/20
A2: As far as I know they can do it as many times as they want and consider yourself lucky they increased your rating for they usually do so to reduce it. I stopped using Metformin on my own and when had labs my kidney functions showed improvement so next thing I know is they had me in for a C & P Exam in less than a month with a chiropractor. Which I thought was stupid when most of my conditions are from Agent Orange and the type 2 diabetes. All they kept asking is can you work and my response was I retired at 54 and my conditions had gotten worse within 2 years afterwards. They gave me more based on both my knees and degenerative condition but not my whole skeletal system which my spine is the worst so since getting paid at 100 percent and at 90 percent service connected and 10 percent unemployability let it stand that way. Saved if they ever take any away then will sue instead of playing games with them. With this pandemic makes it very hard and suffering even more because can not get any help so do what I can a little each day and some of it especially lifting anything heavy try to use a hand truck or if can open a box and only take a few things at a time. They reduce my pain medication and think Tylenol will do the job and that is a joke. They probably figure that I will commit suicide from the pain but at 71 I will not give them the satisfaction and a way to cut corners and save money. Just waiting for when they reduce it and probably will because of my age then it will not be a reopened claim that will be denied but a lawsuit mainly because all the years that they have caused me more pain than I can hardly stand. I had been on pain medications for over 30 years for my conditions and expect with the conditions I have I will not make it past 85 but hope I can and just learn to live with the pain in some way. Mostly a night wish I had pain medication so I could get to sleep easier but just because of abuse by a few veterans that have died of overdoses I have to suffer from their mistakes not one of my own. So always save out a few conditions just in case they pull a surprise C & P Exam to reduce your rating be ready for it for will happen someday and they will use your age in determining it. Best of Luck. (JM) 10/20/20
A3: Most injuries that happened in the Military get worse over time. Every time you get an increase go back the next year and keep going back until you get to 100%. That the magic number. (GR) 10/20/20
A4: There is no limit to the number of times you have your back evaluated. As long as your systems increase and your ability to perform the activities of daily living decrease, you should submit.
However, please keep in mind, ANY time you ask for a reevaluation, there is a possibility of your opening Pandora Box.
The VA can reduce your rating if they feel your situation has improved.
Human nature would be to look at someone who files time and time again as being the boy who cried wolf. Eventually, someone will go back over ALL of your disabilities to see if your have improved or if you are no longer seeking treatment or therapy.
This is for any disability, not just for what you have asked for.
Sometimes it is better to NOT be the squeaky wheel and draw attention to yourself. I handle hundreds of claims a year and I handle many who have filed for an increase, got a notification of a decrease and then come to me to fix it. Be careful. (RJ) 10/20/20
A5: Without seeing your VA award letter and VA decision letter I cannot give you a professional opinion. I suggest you contact an Accredited VSO with the DAV, Am Legion, VFW, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. The VSO can give you the correct answer after looking over your VA award and decision letter. All others only speculate. Always see an Accredited VSO. (GH) 10/21/20