Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q567: I was raped in the army by my supervisor and his friends several times over the course of years. He got me drunk several times and raped me repeatedly. He once got me so drunk he took me to the barracks and passed me around for his friends to rape me over the course of hours. I was raped so many times by my supervisor that I lost count. All of the rapes happened between 1986 and 1990 when I was stationed at fort bliss. I reported the first couple of rapes but nothing was ever done they told me it was my fault. I finally separated from the army in 1991 and I have struggled ever since with gainful employment, trust issues with men, emotional problems, genital female problems, depression, anxiety, nightmares, and problems with drinking too much. Are there any programs for rape survivors that will help me financially? I don’t want group therapy or drugs, just financial help.

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Use Form Below To Respond

A1: : Have you applied for Military Sexual Assault through the VA? File a VA form 21-526EZ and a VA Form 21-0781A. If unsure get a Veterans Service Officer to do it for you. Alan Hill, Veterans Service Officer, Vietnam Veterans of America. (AH) 11/13/20
A2: Immediately contact an Accredited Veterans Service Officer with the VFW, Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets or another Veterans Service Organization. Take a copy of your discharge (DD-214) and explain to him/her what happened. He/she will go over with you VA Form 21-071a to describe your claim. If you are receiving your Health Care from a VA Facility I recommend you go to Behavioral Medicine and ask for Counseling. Your VSO should recommend this immediately. Also go to the Patient Advocate at your VA Facility and ask to be placed on the Women's Team if available. If you are satisfied with your Primary Care stay with him/her. It is very important that you relate your experiences to your Primary Care and your counselor at Behavioral Medicine. Compensation will give you financial assistance. This is not a very difficult claim to file and substantiate. This type of incident was not your fault. Take the necessary steps to improve you live and mental well being. If you are not receiving your medical from the VA an Accredited VSO will instruct you in how to obtain VA care. (GH) 11/13/20