Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q553: I need help from veterans because docs have no clue. None of the docs know what’s wrong with me. My lungs hurt badly every day, but x-rays show nothing is wrong. I fall asleep everywhere I go, even when driving around town. Had many close calls on the road. Basically, I have no energy. I have lumps growing on my legs. The docs say they think it is fat deposits, which I doubt. I’m a Gulf War veteran and I wonder if my time in the Middle East messed me up. All the shots the Army gave me and all the air pollution I think did me in. I’m not service-connected for anything. I wonder if I should be. Any veterans have this condition and any idea what’s wrong with me?

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A1: Sounds like you have a sleep disorder possibly caused by COPD. As for the bumps on your legs, it could be onset varicose veins. If you are overweight, and diabetic that would be the cause of most of the issues. I had similar problems like you described, but I weighed over 300lbs. Once I lost about 100lbs, almost all of the issues cleared up. (MS) 10/28/20
A2: Get doctors to test you for Narcolepsy. Research "Gulf War Syndrome" to see if it may have something to do with your lung issues. Good luck and I hope you get some medical help for your conditions. (DJ) 10/28/20
A3: Go to, apply there, print out a form to send in after doing on line papers. yeah Gulf war messed you up, I'm a Vietnam Vet. or get a VSO guy which i never did. (BV) 10/28/20
A4: Sleep apnea for your sleep issue is what it sounds like, not sure about the rest. (MA) 10/28/20
A5: I would say your lungs hurting badly every day and all are probably due to the burn pits from the gulf war. Have you signed up for the burn pit register? The lumps on your legs could be as a result of your service in that area. There are a lot of undiagnosed illness that are being experienced by Gulf War Veterans. (GR) 10/28/20
A6:,respiratory%20disorders%2C%20and%20sleep%20disturbances. (RJ) 10/28/20
A7: The lumps are lipomas...fatty deposits. BUT, I recently started getting them ALL over my body. Started with just one on leg and one on arm. Now they're all over. I've done some research and found that those who had the anthrax shots (we were forced to get them in the navy, otherwise we'd be dishonorable discharged) end up with these all over. Unfortunately, the VA considers it cosmetic surgery to remove them. Completely ridiculous!! (SD) 10/28/20
A8: A good place to start is that the Court of Appeals and that is the United States court issued a judgement some time back that " Pain " does not have to be linked to any medical condition. It is just there and deserves to be compensated for. Search the web for Pain and the courts judgement regarding veterans compensation and you can read the entire court case and judgement and use it in your injury claim. (DJ) 10/28/20
A9: If you haven't completed a Gulf War Exam, you need to do so through your local VA Regional Office. You can submit a VA Form 21-526EZ through eBenefits, if you have an account or mail to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Compensation Intake Center
P.O. Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-444
Also, make sure to view the (Gulf War Presumptive List, online Google) to see if any of the condition(s) applies to your situation and add them to the VA Form 21-526EZ before submitting it to the VA. If you need further assistance, you can request a service organization to represent you. (Purple Heart Association, American Legion, Disabled American Veteran, etc... Hope this helps! (CL) 10/28/20
A10: It sounds pretty dangerous to be driving. Have you taken a sleep test to see if you may have sleep apnea? Anyway, see your local VSO or DAV and ask them to assist you. They are the experts and have the references and contacts. I wish you the best. (RC) 10/28/20
A11: Get with a good VSO and file! A good VSO should be able to assist you with searching out the answers you seek, then planning the best strategy for filing for SC. Best of luck. (LC) 10/28/20
A12: Go to the nearest V. A. or your American legion and ask to see a veterans advocate, who will help you with the paper work needed for your issues. The way I look at you and your problems, I see no reason that you should be turned down for a veterans pension benefit. Don't wait, go soon , and think positive. (EM) 10/28/20
A13: I think that you need to go to the private sector to get exam because a second opinion sounds like it is needed and when they fine what it is take it back to the VA and fine and organization that can help you file for your service connected disiblity. (CT) 10/28/20
A14: I too am a Gulf War veteran who has lumps growing on my legs. Are your lumps like bruises and are painful to the touch? (KK) 10/28/20
A15: X-rays don't show everything. See a pulmonologist and ask for a CP of your chest. If the bumps in your legs are sensitive, you have pain in your legs, and if any areas in your legs are cold to the touch, you may have DVT (deep vein thrombosis) which means you have blood clots in your leg (usually the right) and they are in your lungs. When you are screened before seeing the physician when they check your blood pressure, temp, etc. ask that they check your blood oxygen level. It should be in the mid nineties. (TZ) 10/30/20