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Q599: I am 100% now and I am 74 yrs old, but now I also have diabetes. Should I submit a claim for that? The reason is if I pass away from diabetes, my wife won’t receive anything, because I don’t have it on my disability rating. Thank you

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A1: file for anything and everything. You are 100% but for the diabetes it'll go on your record plus you can get the medication free. (BF) 12/4/20
A2: I am 75 years old and have been 100% for a long time before I had diabetes. I submitted a claim for the diabetes and it brought me up to nearly 200% SC. When they check you for diabetes they will find a lot of other things that will be Service Connected. Yes you should submit a claim for diabetes. (ML) 12/4/20
A3: Yes, especially if you served in Vietnam as it is under the Agent Orange. (GR) 12/4/20
A4: The question for you: are you absolutely sure the diabetes is service related? Would not open a claim if you are 100% because whenever you open a claim you no longer are Permanent and Total. As your rep, I would make sure before we filed the claim that is a shoe-in. (DS) 12/4/20